Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Third Trimester!

Well I am officially in the third trimester now. Actually, we are down to just 11 short weeks because I will be induced at 39. If I start dilating early they will even take her before 39 weeks! So we will see what happens. As my friend Jackie put it, you can see that I've "blown up". Ha! My camera has been fuzzy lately so sorry for the out of focus picture. It makes me look better though. =)
It's hard to imagine that I have three more months of growing. The last two days my skin has felt so tight I feel like it's going to snap! But other then that things are going great. I'm so grateful that I'm just barely starting to feel a little weighed down. I was so much more uncomfortable with Weston. We are all anxious to see this sweet little girl and I'm hoping I will look more like her mommy then her aunt like I do with Weston! 

Our Little Man

I've been wanting to post this picture too because it's so adorable. Weston just had to put on Grandpa Jerry's boots the other day. He's so into shoes and boots were just too irresistible to pass up. 
Weston has been growing so much. He seems so big to me now. He mostly feeds himself now with only a little help. He can eat an entire package of ramen noodles by himself! He sure does love food! He can also say some more words although it takes some skill to figure out what he's saying. He says dog (dau), car (da), truck (duh), ball (bau), and of course da da. That's one I hear all day. 

We took Weston to the park yesterday and walked around the river. He had a great time and it was so nice to be outside in the warm weather. Can you tell who he looks like? Not his mommy that's for sure!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Easter was different this year since Weston was actually excited to see that the Easter bunny had paid him a visit. Here is a clip of our morning. It's long so don't worry about watching the whole thing if you get bored. You may notice the absence of my husband. He works nights so unfortunately mornings aren't the best time for him.

Here are some pictures of Weston getting into his Easter stuff. 

For fun I thought I'd post his last Easter picture. I can't believe how much they change in a year! 
We went to Mark's dad's house with all his siblings for a delicious lunch and egg hunt on Saturday. Weston kept looking out the window when they were hiding the eggs and saying "ball". He was so confused as to why he couldn't go out there and pick all the balls up! When we turned him loose he had a blast and totally understood the concept of picking them up and putting them in his basket. It was adorable. Of course, I forgot my camera.

Sunday we went to my parents after church and took Becky's boys over there. She couldn't make it home from Boise but we had fun with them. I'm glad I know I'm having a girl though and won't have only boys! They were tons of fun though and we had another delicious meal and watched Despereaux. Weston was a bit of a grump since he only had a 20 minute nap at church but we had a good Easter. It's nice to have a specific day set aside to remember that our Savior lives. It's important to think of it more often then Easter though! 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Life in the fast lane

Well, things have seemed a bit hectic still. We are mostly settled but there are about a million little projects here and there that I need to do. Weston sure is loving all the room to run around and play but has had a few incidents already. He seems to fall down even more then usual (including the stairs...again - yes, someone please call CPS) but he's a pretty tough guy and doesn't seem to mind the small mishaps. Here are a couple recent pictures of him. 
Yesterday he was playing on his rocking horse and was cheesing it up for the camera.
Marlene sent Mark home with these tiny little cupcakes the other night. She thought Fussy would enjoy them and he sure did as you can tell! Notice how he abandoned all of his pretzels?
Also, I finally took a picture of the outside of our house. I haven't taken one of Weston's room yet because it is still just so far from what I want to be done in there so I'm going to wait until it's cuter. He's doing good in his big boy bed though and loves everything about it. Our next task it to get him off his paci and honestly, I think I want him to stay on it more then he does! He goes to sleep so much better with it and he knows it's time to go night-night when he has it. But...I don't want two kids on a paci (actually, I'm hoping this baby won't take one at all. Weston only got one because he started sucking his thumb and you can't take that away from a kid so we stuck a paci in his mouth before he got addicted!). 

Things are going good around our joint. We feel so blessed to have so many wonderful things happening in our life right now and know that it's from our Heavenly Father. This pregnancy has been such a breeze for me and even though I'm starting to get uncomfortable it's not very bad at all. It helps that I've only gained 7 pounds! Not the case with Weston! But I'm glad because it's easier to chase Weston around. Now we are just counting down the days for Mark to hear from the site when he can start and hoping it will be before the baby comes!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I finally took some pictures. Weston was asleep so I don't have one of his room and thanks to the Idaho weather I didn't get one of the outside either so I will post those soon. Also, we have an extra room downstairs that is kind of storage for all our books since we don't have bookshelves and a bathroom that I don't have finished that I will post pictures of at a future date. And of course the nursery! I probably won't have that room done for a little while. But here's what I do have:

This is the view when you walk through the front door.
 Here's another shot of the upstairs living room. This room requires some imagination. Once we have money we will have a love seat and two chairs to go around the coffee table. =)

Here are pictures of our kitchen and dining room. My washer and dryer and just on the other side of the kitchen. Love the backsplash.

Here is our upstairs bathroom. I do have to admit that I miss our big bathroom from our apartment! Not THAT much though.

This is our bedroom. I have no pictures up in here yet but I took a picture anyway. This is only about half of it. We have another dresser behind me and a spot for the bassinet but where a chaise or chair and ottoman will eventually go. We have a huge walk in closet too.

This is the downstairs living room. This is only a portion of this room too. On the other wall in the corner is my desk and then a big open wall where we will put our bookshelves. We would love to get a game table of some sort for down here. There's tons of room for it.

Here's another picture downstairs. I love having our entertainment center put together. 

So that's it for the most part. We have felt at home since day one. I have been somewhat overdoing it (honestly, not intentionally) but I just wanted to get things done so I could have the stress over with. Now I just need my feet to stop hurting!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Traumatic Tale

Last week I got really sick one night right after Mark left for work. I felt really nauseous and like I might throw up. I've only thrown up one time in the five years that Mark and I have been married - I just don't do it. So this was really unusual for me. I managed to get Weston in bed a little early and sure enough, I was in the bathroom not long after that. I haven't been that sick for a long, long time. It was horrible. Of course, we're trying to pack the apartment and everything else so it was just not great.

Well, about two days later we had a pretty busy day and Weston was on the go all day crawling all over the boxes and playing with everything we were trying to pack. He seemed to be having a pretty fun day. That night we were going to dinner as sisters since Becky was home from Boise so I gave Weston an early bath and we headed out to get some laundry detergent before meeting my sisters since I had none. I'm at a red light and I hear this gurgling sound behind me and I turn around to find my poor, sweet little boy absolutely covered in vomit and not stopping. The look in his eyes will haunt me forever. He was so shocked and looking at me to rescue him. Besides spit up Weston has never thrown up in his whole life so this was  new experience for us both.

It just so happened that this happened right as all the lights were red so I hurried and flipped th most illegal u-turn you've ever seen, hit the curb, and went blasting into the mall parking lot to try to help him. All the while Weston is screaming and I'm trying not to lose it. I figured I'd get him as clean as possible with wipes and then head home to finish. So I get out of the car to help him and find I have ONE wipe. I did what I could with it and stripped Weston. I get back in to head home and figure I'd better call my sisters to cancel. It's at this point that I lose it and start bawling as I'm talking to Becky. Weston is hysterical in the back seat and my heart is totally breaking because I can't do anything for him except get him home. It honestly is making me sad even now thinking about it.

So I get Weston home, give him another bath and am starting to get him dressed when my sisters come through the door with dinner and laundry detergent. I couldn't stop crying. I don't know what I would have done without them. They cleaned Weston's car seat and helped me as he continued to throw up two more times after we got home. He was so pale and looked so fragile. It was so incredibly sad and the saddest thing I've experienced as a mother thus far. I had been thinking a few days before as I was throwing up that Weston never had and I was so thankful...that's what I get. Mark got sick this weekend as we were in the middle of trying to get settled too but luckily he didn't throw up. Sick kids are the worst! 

I really want to post pictures of the new house but my OCD is refusing to allow me to take pictures until the last box is unpacked and the last picture hung so I should have them up by the weekend. =) We are loving it though and things are great. Here is a picture of Weston from the weekend. He spent Saturday at his Aunt Sarah's playing with her and her girls while we moved in. He loved it.