Thursday, November 20, 2008

Family Pictures

After I saw Cherice's post about her sister's family pictures that she took I really wanted her to do ours. So she did yesterday and she did NOT disappoint! Honestly, she's so talented and we could not be happier with the way they turned out. I have a lot of favorites and really wanted to post them so sorry for all the pics!

This one is my favorite.

This one is one of my favorites too and Mark's favorite.

I know everyone thinks this about their kids but I swear Weston is so adorable. I love the way these pictures of him turned out. Thanks SO MUCH Cherice!! Seriously...start a business. =)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Utah Weekend

So as I mentioned we went to Utah last weekend. Jerry's daughter got remarried so we tagged along with him and Marlene and went to a couple temples. Bountiful was really beautiful and the celestial room reminded me of the San Diego temple because of how open and bright it was. Logan was beautiful too in a different way because it was built so long ago. We love going to different temples and that was number 13 on our list.

Anyway, we stayed overnight with Crystal, Sean's wife. Sean is in training for the Air Guard Reserves and Crystal is 20 weeks pregnant all alone. It was good to see her and we stayed up playing games and talking. Weston was really good and laughed more then he has ever! I think his car seat was making him giddy.

Marlene put this headband of mine on him and he looked so cute. Then he was standing at the mirror in the bathroom and giving himself kisses. We had a really great time. Thanks Crystal!

Bed Head

Yea! I found my camera! Weston apparently pushed it off the TV stand and I found it lodged between it and the wall. Thank goodness I got on my hands and knees to play chase with Fussy or I never would have found it!

Anyway, I took these pictures the other day. Weston woke up one morning with seriously crazy hair. I thought it was adorable. He's also making his 
new face where he tucks
his upper lip under his teeth. 
It's so funny.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, we had a wonderful weekend in Utah and went to the Bountiful and Logan temples. Weston was adorable and I got some really cute pictures - only to find that I can not find my camera! It's got to be around here somewhere because I didn't leave it in Utah, but until then, my posting may be infrequent. I REALLY need to find it because if I can't we're going to have to buy another one. We've got holidays coming up and most importantly, Weston's first birthday! I must have a camera! Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tis the Season

Okay, I could not take it any longer. I usually don't get all geared up for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. The day after. But I'm especially excited this year and I had to change my blog so that at least something around here will remind me of Christmas. I still don't think I can break out the decorations until the day after Thanksgiving. =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some fall pictures

So I thought that since winter will be here any time now I would post these pictures of Weston. We took them a couple weeks ago. Mark and Fussy were at Jakob's house helping rake leaves.

Mark and Weston

Weston was not too thrilled about the leaves.

He started to cry in this picture.

We love fall but I can not even begin to say how excited I am for winter. We haven't had one in years! We're crazy...we know.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Remember When

As I mentioned, I'll be putting an older picture of us up every month. This month, in honor of it being the birthday of the Marine Corps (November 10th) I decided to post this picture of us at the last Marine Corps Ball we went to. Every year they have a ball to celebrate. Each battalion has their own and it is so great. This was in November of 2006. We wanted to go in 2007 but I was over eight months pregnant so this was our last one. Semper Fi!!


We had such a great day on Halloween. Weston was absolutely adorable. He didn't even mess with his costume. I didn't take a picture before we left the house so this was as good as it got. We saw Sarah and Lynn and their girls who were adorable. Hallee was a queen and Hannah was Hannah Montana. Since it was also Dad's birthday we went to my parent's house for dinner and then went trick-or-treating with Amy and her kids and Miss and Makoy. 

We took this picture in front of a giant pumpkin/scarecrow guy. And yes...Kaden did drop Weston right after this picture. He's tough though! Makoy was a dinosaur and got hoarse from screaming "roar!" so much. It was cute. Kaden was a power ranger and took his role very seriously. Emma was Mulan. At one of the houses the guy who gave them candy said, "oh look, a Japanese girl" and Emma goes, "No, I'm Mulan". It was cute. =) 

Earlier in the day we watched all FIVE of Jakob's boys for two hours while he went grocery shopping and we had SO much fun. Lunch time was a bit hectic but after that we went to the park and then walked to a park in a neighborhood by us. They climbed trees (Tyrel made it to the VERY top of one that was huge), played on the swings and monkey bars, and rolled down a huge hill. All the while they were doing this Weston was pushing his stroller everywhere, crying every time he came to a bump and couldn't get past it. They were all so adorable and it was fun to watch them. Mark and I think maybe we could handle six! Well...maybe just for a few hours at a time. =)