Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Uh...bad mom

So I was really sick this week. Mark works graveyards so Weston and I are on our own every night. I was so sick and just laying on the couch while Weston was playing. I opened my eyes from resting and this is what I found. That's right, an accident just waiting to happen. Yes, he is standing on his overturned toy basket swinging on the door of the book case.  BOYS.

He is such a good little baby. Yesterday he was being so fussy (hence the nickname Fussy Britches) so I took him outside to swing. That's all it takes. He's so easy to please. He was smiling and scrunching up his nose while making a noise that was very similar to the sound you make when your foot slips off your bike pedal and you come down on your bike seat a little too hard. But given the smile, I think it was a good noise. =) He's such a happy boy and is so good. He makes me happy. I love my sweet little family. 

What a nice guy

I love my husband. I was so sick this week and Weston had a fever Friday and Saturday. Mark took such good care of us.  Such a good guy. 

I had to go visiting teaching this week even though I was deathly ill, and when I got home Mark had reorganized all the closets for me. Something I had mentioned I just wanted his help with. But he did it on his own. 

Thanks for putting up with me Baby and all my many sicknesses. Especially my sickness of the brain and my ridiculous OCD that I know can drive you crazy! I LOVE YOU!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pics I gotta share

Here are some recent pictures of Weston that I thought were too cute not to post. We took him swimming in Blackfoot last week. He is such a fish! Just like Daddy. We would put him on his belly and push him through the water and he would paddle like he was swimming! It was adorable. He was so happy. He really loved this floating toy they had there too. And since it was the middle of the day we had the whole pool to ourselves for about twenty minutes!! 

This other picture of Wes is my new favorite. I got the camera out to make sure it was ok cuz I sort of got water on it. =) As soon as I broke it out Fussy starts grinning and posing like you wouldn't believe. I thought it was so stinking cute. So this is him being a super model.

Spud Day Baby!

So growing up Spud Day was always something that seemed a little ridiculous. I mean, a day to celebrate potatoes?? But it turns out, if you move away for four years, it becomes exciting again! We went with Miss and Makoy on Saturday, despite getting rained on. It was fun and Weston had fun seeing the parade. But then we were a little disappointed by the lack of things to look at once the parade was over. We remembered it being much bigger then it was when we were growing up.

So I thought that since some of you who look at my blog have no idea what Spud Day is I would fill you in with a little info about it. The day begins with a parade full of cops and fire engines, all the city council members, every cheerleading, dancing, and other school group you can think of. It could not be more boring as far as parades go. But they have discovered a way to get hundreds, probably thousands, of people to come every year...throw candy!! It's pretty sweet.

After the parade everybody heads over to Dawn Lloyd park (formerly the City Park) and people stand in line for HOURS (not kidding here) for a free baked potato. You could probably go home and make one yourself by the time you get one. While you wait to get your various other foods they also offer such as hot dogs, hamburgers, chinese, etc., you get to enjoy the wonderful aromas. Including horse manure from the parade, onions for the potatoes, and the musty smell of the inside of a potato cellar. Isn't it miraculous?

After you stuff your face with all the food you walk around and look at all the booths. Which are mostly cheap jewelry and knock off t-shirts. There are some fun ones to see like paintballing, but mostly just boring stuff. The most exciting part of the day is the Spud Tug. That's right folks...a tug of war. But not just any tug of war. This is SPUD day after all. The losers of the tug of war end up landing in a hole filled with mashed potatoes. How exciting!! 

So you might have guessed that we didn't stay long. The rain and cold weather were one factor, but there was also too many people. And our minds just couldn't handle the excitement of all that Spud Day has to offer. Here are some pics of our day. We had fun while it lasted. =)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Grandpa Jerry

Weston loves his Grandpa Jerry. Of all of Marlene's grandkids none of them have given her the cold shoulder...until Weston. He is downright mean to her sometimes and it is so embarassing! But the adorable part about it is that if Grandpa Jerry walks into the room he will lunge, squirm, and fuss until he gets picked up by him. He will practically jump out of Marlene's arms just to get to his Grandpa Jerry, much to Marlene's chagrin. (Ok, actually she doesn't mind it too much because it is so adorable and melts Jerry's heart. And mine.) We are so glad that Fussy gets to know all of his grandparents!

Our Fix-it

Weston has an obsession that has become an instant fix-it whenever he is too whiny or fussy and we need some peace and quiet. He loves to watch cars. From his window in his room he gets a great view but when it's nice enough we go out to the fence and he sits there with me and watches them all go by. His head whips back and forth so fast I swear he will end up with whip lash one of these days. We just might have a car guy on our hands!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Make up your mind already!

So those of you who frequent our blog may have noticed that I keep changing it. That is because I am obsessive compulsive and can't decide what I like best. I put several hours worth of time into creating my own because I wanted something cute. Well I had left out the word "the" from the website thecutestblogontheblock.com so I got some weird thing. Then, I found the correct website and realized the time I put into creating my own still didn't make it near as cute as it could be if I just used one already made. I'm sure my OCD will have me changing it again, and again. If nothing else, that's a good reason to visit my blog often. =)

Labor Day Side Note

I forgot to mention the most amazing thing about our Labor Day weekend. We went to church in Island Park and there were 1500 people there!! Can you believe that? It was amazing. I couldn't hold back the tears as so many people sung I Stand All Amazed. It was overwhelming and the highlight for Mark and I of the weekend.

Blasted Door Stop

Weston is obsessed with the door stop. He plays with it so much that it eventually unwinds itself and comes out from the wall. The other day I was on the computer and I turn around to this. It was adorable even though I worry about him falling and ramming it in his mouth. He thinks it's so fun though and he always looks so pleased with himself when he manages to get it off and carry it around the house.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Feeding the Ducks

Yesterday we went to feed the ducks along the river. There were soooo many and I thought for sure Weston was going to be scared. But he loved it. He just kept staring and smiling and he wasn't scared of them at all. He even reached for one in this other picture.  The ducks and geese followed us around and we had a hard time keeping up with them! It was so fun to take Weston though and see him experience these new things that he never has before. We also got some great pictures of the temple. I really liked this one. The bird was a coincidence! I didn't even notice it until I put my pictures on my computer.

Labor Day Camping Trip

We went camping over Labor Day weekend. Marlene has a friend whose cabin we use in Island Park every two years for the Norris reunion. We decided that since we never get to use the cabin when we go for that reunion we would come up just with our family and go camping. It was so fun. Weston did pretty good in his play pen but had some naps where he would wake up and need some help getting back to sleep. We spent a lot of time outside which was great. We had sun for two days and storms for the other two, which was perfect in my opinion! Weston really loves his Uncle Jake and he was playing with he Eagles hat. It was a miracle I got this picture because he kept taking it off his head. 

This picture is by far my favorite of the trip. We were outside sitting around the fire and I wanted to take a picture of Mark and Wes. Trevor was coming out at the same time and
he wanted to be in the picture. It's a new obsession of his or something. Weston kept turning around to look at Trevor though. So Trevie ran around to the front of Wes to get him to look and then he ran back as fast as he could and I hurried and snapped the picture. And this is what we got! I think it's just precious. We had fun with all the boys there (eight including Weston) and enjoyed playing games, eating junk, reading, and taking naps. We're going to do it every year now.


Weston and Makoy took a bath together last week. It was the cutest thing ever. This picture took some doing to get things covered and both of them looking at us. So this was as good as it got. Weston just watched Koy play and you could just tell he was taking mental notes of things to do when he gets that big. Koy had fun too, except for when Fussy stuck his bare bum right in his face! He pointed to Weston's bum and said to Miss, "Mommy, yuck". Ha! We love Miss and Koy!!

The other night in the bath Weston had a "bubble goatee" and I thought it was so cute! It's hard to see in the picture but I took it anyway. Weston loves the bath. He can hardly hold still while I clean the tub out. And believe it or not, he loves it when I pour water on his hair. He kicks and smiles and I end up getting soaking wet in the process. But I love it. I think I bath him every night more for me then I do for him!