Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Gots Cute Kids

 I love that these three always like to be by each other. For the most part. =)
 They slept in the tent outside with daddy and while Mark was inside talking with me Jonas got up and went and fell asleep by Weston. Adorable. I love how Saydi worked her way all the way up to the top too. She is a crazy sleeper.
 I already posted some pictures of the company picnic that Mark's work did on Jonas' birthday but we got the ones back that people took professionally and I wanted to add those to since they are much better quality. Jonas was so tired!

 Jonas' dog didn't last very long before getting smeared everywhere!
 Mark's work got us tickets to a Chukar's game and provided pizza and drinks. It was fun and the kids enjoyed it!
 The next morning his work gave us free tickets to go see The Croods. This was our first time going to the movies as a family! Probably one of the last too since having a baby will bring this to an end. They loved it and except for some musical chairs before Jonas finally fell asleep the kids behaved perfectly.
 Mark keeping the kids entertained.
 Weston isn't just an amazing brother. He's a wonderful cousin too.
 The kids started swimming lessons this week and after our first day yesterday Saydi was so tired she just crashed in here! Pretty adorable and hilarious.
Coming soon: girl's camp, a family trip for Marlene's 60th birthday and lots of other summer fun. Anything to make the time go faster until it's time to welcome this little boy to our family!

1 comment:

Taunya Spaulding said...

you do have some cute kids! :)and weston looks so grown up in his glasses! :)hope everything is going well with baby #4.