My house is trashed - TRASHED - like you wouldn't believe but rather then cleaning it while my two little ones sleep I decided my time would be better spent blogging about how special they are to me and how much I love them.
Weston is changing every day. I thought that mostly happened in the first year but I'm finding that it doesn't slow down. At any given moment throughtout the day you can find him with a bouncy ball. (See above picture for proof.) He is obsessed. He has about a half dozen because whenever I take him with me to my doctor's office I get him one to keep him occupied while he waits for me. He will collect all of them and play with them. And believe me, he knows when one is missing! He's started to say "uummm" when you ask him if he wants something. I love it. He screws his little face up into the deepest concentration as he contemplates whether or not he wants cheese or if he wants to color. Some of life's deeepest questions. He is continuing to say new words daily and even though is vocabulary is still pretty limited I'm impressed with how much progress he's making. He uses a little blue Care Bear as his very own baby. Yesterday he took it to the potty and then I found it sitting in his booster seat as he offered it the remnants of his afternoon snack. Adorable. As soon as I get him out of his car seat he reaches up and says "hand" and he wraps his little fingers around mine. It doesn't get much better then that. He's such a good boy and I love everything about him.
This is the face Saydi makes right before taking a deep breath, raising both her arms, and then flinging them down as she squeals in delight. She is certainly fitting her nickname, "Precious", these days. She now sits completely on her own and will often just sit on the floor and play with toys as she watches her brother play too. Sometimes for as long as 30 minutes. She is completely obsessed with food. When she sees me getting it ready she pounds on her high chair and her eyes look like they're going to pop out of her head. And don't even think about getting up once you've sat down to start feeding her. Oh my. Let's just say, she has her mommy's lungs and it's pretty much the end of the world if a feeding session gets interrupted by a ringing phone or brother needing to go potty. She now is sleeping for about 11 hours. I feed her at about 7:30 and she doesn't wake up to nurse again until about 6 or 6:30. Mark and I sure do love having both our kids to sleep by 7:30!! Saydi's starting to babble and "sing" more and there's no greater sound in the world. She is such a blessing to us and even though it was so hard to have two kids so close together at first it is getting easier every day and we have never once regretted it!
As much as I love each of my kids for who they are, seeing them together is what really makes them even more special to me. Yesterday I found Weston jabbering away at Saydi, then he pointed to Mark and informed her that that was "Dada" and continued his monologue without missing a beat. I would love to know what he thought he was telling her about "Dada"! As soon as Saydi sees Weston she is all smiles and if he even LOOKS like he's coming near her she kicks and flails and gets so excited. She already has an idol, I'm sure. It's hard to believe that Weston is 2 and Saydi is 7 months already. Time is flying by and we are definitely enjoying every last minute of it.
Now about the house... =|
Jen, you are the best little mom. I haven't seen you "in action" but you can just tell. How fun!
i comepletely and totally agree with stephanie! you are such a good mom! I can't wait til our get together and i hope one day i can be as good as mom as you are. You've raised the bar on motherhood, i believe :) see you next week
I love it. Can't believe how big Saydi is looking. Sorry I never got to see you over Christmas break. Love ya girl
You are such a cute little family. I love love love your family picture and I can't believe Saydi is 7 months old. It seems like you were just blogging about finding out you were having a girl! I wish we lived closer so Owen and Weston could play together. I am loving this age too. So amazing some of the things they come up with! Every time I read your blog it makes me miss you!
That is so precious! I love the moments of pure joy and appreciation for the little ones in our lives. Sometimes I forget how special they are when there's food flying and toys all over the place, and screaming, but they truly are amazing little spirits. I loved reading what you had say because I know exactly how you feel. Thanks for reminding me how precious children are. And like everyone else said, you are a wonderful mom!!
i would like to see your house trashed. your house trashed is like a good day at mine. could you please throw some clothes around and not do your dishes? maybe i would come over more if i felt more at home! :) they are too cute. love them! love you, and you are such a great mom and friend.
I agree with Jackie! I was at your house yesterday and if that's trashed then I'm in trouble. =P
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