Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Kids

Every child has defining moments in their life and Weston and Saydi have had a couple that have greatly influenced who they are. It all started with my mom buying Weston a plastic lion and tiger when we went to buy food for Thanksgiving. Weston played with them non-stop for weeks and weeks. Then he discovered it was more fun to give Saydi the tiger and him keep the lion and roar at each other. Fast forward a month or so later to when his Aunt Bea let him borrow Madagascar and Madagascar 2 and that pretty much sealed the deal: Weston is a lion. He crawls around the house (at warp speed I might add) and roars constantly. Saydi has joined in on the fun and they love playing lions and tigers. They do it ALL the time. Occasionally Weston will switch to a dinosaur or dragon but most of the time a lion it is. We made lion puppets the other day and they both loved them so much. And the roaring commenced...


Jillyn said...

Oh Jen, they are getting so big! I can't believe it. How are you feeling? Do you know what you're having yet? I'm so out of the loop. But I'm trying to be more consistent with updating me blog so I can keep in touch better. I miss you and love you!!!!

Taunya Spaulding said...

ok, i need to think outside the box a little more-there's no way i would have thought of making paper lion puppets...such a fun mom i'm going to be!!! :)
love the videos! :) so cute

The Ericksons said...

Those videos are adorable! That one of Weston reminds me of Beebs at that age. Pretty much every time I had recorded her doing something cute she would immediately say, "I wanna see!" and walk straight into the camera. Love it!

Andrew and Steph said...

How funny! Those two have great imagionations. I bet they never get bored. You're an inspiration to do fun stuff with my kids. . . can you write a book ;)