Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh Baby

I realized I haven't really documented much about this pregnancy. I suppose that's just what happens when you have two kids to keep you busy all day. But I don't want to forget since each pregnancy is so different and I have good reason to post today since I had my ultrasound. It's definitely a BOY!
I could have told you that but it's always nice to have proof. Actually, the doctor said, "I'd say about 200% boy." It was pretty funny! More importantly though, everything looks great and he's really healthy. He's breach right now which isn't an issue but he better be for moving his little body around when the time comes! This is a profile shot. He has his hand up by his face.
I thought that once I had one of each I might decide to wait to find out but I just can't do it. Maybe I'm weird but even though I feel close to my babies as soon as I get pregnant the bond I feel as soon as I know it's not an "it" but a "he/she" is amazing. I really do feel bad that Mark doesn't get to experience similar feelings until he actually sees his baby. But I'm so glad we can start saying HIM! His name will most likely be Jonas Glenn. And yes, I'm putting it on the blog. That way if anyone steals it I have documented proof that we picked the name already. ;)

This is the biggest I've ever been so I haven't taken any belly shots but with my ultrasound today I decided I really should. So here I am at 21 weeks. And I feel like death thanks to a nasty head cold so it's not all that flattering but hey, at least this baby won't be able to say it was cheated.
Here's some other info about this pregnancy:
-I was only nauseous for a couple weeks and have felt fabulous besides that (one of the reasons I knew it was a boy since that's how I was with Wes)
-I started out craving oranges or orange juice and cinnamon bears (preferably cinnamon Santas) and moved onto salty things like macaroni and cheese with cut up hot dogs (totally weird and again, something I've only ever eaten when I was pregnant with Weston), green olives, and cucumbers and vinegar. Lately I've been craving raw potatoes with salt on them. Boys do weird things to you right from the start, am I right ladies?
-He is very mild mannered thus far and moves so little that Mark still hasn't felt him move. It doesn't help that his feet are aimed at my bum so even when he does kick there's not much to feel. =) But he moves like clock work every morning and every night and only once or twice in between.
-I first felt him move around 16 weeks and felt him kick on my hand at 18 weeks.

I feel so blessed to be able to welcome another little boy into our home and am so grateful for the children I have and the happiness they bring me. We can hardly wait for summer but the better weather has very little to do with it!


Andrew and Steph said...

I laughed out loud when I saw that first ultrasound picture! He is 200% boy and proud to show it as well. You look SO cute and good. I'm so excited for you. Your babies are so lucky to be able to come to such a great home. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and can't wait to see the little guy.

The Stones said...

Yay for a boy! I am so excited! You look so gorgeous in that picture. You are stunning all the time. If you weren't my sister, I may not talk to you. :) I'm so glad he's healthy and not shy ha ha. I can't wait to meet the little fella. Thanks again for all your help! It's so exciting to be out of bed and leaving a comment on your blog. Love you!

The Ericksons said...

Have you ever taken an unflattering picture? (Ok, besides that tomboyish one from junior high. Ha!) I love that it's a boy and love the name. I can't wait to see him! Love ya.

Didi & Jason said...

That is so funny that you documented the name for all those stealers out there! Why is it funny..cuz I just lost my best friend of 16 years due to the name Harper. Can we say lame! Anyways, you look great and congrats on the lil fella!

Brett and Cherice said...

Yippy!! for another Boy!! So excited for my little lady to have a boyfriend:) Glad you have been feeling good and have moved on from oranges and cinnamon santas. I too have moved on to just about anything I can get my hands on! HA! You look great in your picture! We need to have a play date with the kids again:)

Tim and Amber said...

Ya for another boy! that is so exciting! Glad you've been feeling so good!

Kimber Bowen said...

Congrats on another boy! I am so excited for you too!

Taunya Spaulding said...

that first ultrasound reminds me of garrett's! totally spread eagle!! :) reading this really gets me thinking about wanting another one...don't worry-not for a while....:)
congrats! :)