Friday, May 30, 2014

So Far Behind!

I have never been so terrible at keeping an updated record on my family! It's shameful! Our computer screen broke so we can only use it when it's connected to the TV and I must be getting old because it's just too hard for me to see it that way. So that's my excuse. But I need to be better because this is our family's journal and the only place I keep a record of the important event in our life. So here we go with a ton of pictures and updates.

Emmett is getting semi-mobile. Not exactly crawling but finding his own way to get around and get into sister and brother's things.
 Ha! The last clean bib I had in the drawer. Perhaps I need to do better at keeping up with the laundry too.

 Family fun on Memorial Day. Our kids and Sean's kids.

 We are building a house in Rigby. We broke ground on April 23rd and will be in some time in October. It's fun to take the kids on Sunday evenings and check on the progress. Also a little surreal. They are looking out the window in the master bedroom in this picture.
 In my kitchen looking out into the living room.

 Saydi Baby's last day of preschool! (I guess I have to stop calling her that now? :'( )
 I always find her in the most random positions and with the most random objects that she wasn't originally put to bed with. This is my favorite - her scriptures.
 "Mom, can I feed Emmett?" You bet buddy!!
 At the zoo with Saydi's preschool class.

 Taking walks and loving it.
 Getting in as many outings in with Miss as we can before she moves to Texas. Down to just a few weeks now. =(
 Now that Emmett can sit and sort of get around he doesn't really like being stranded in this toy anymore. Luckily his older siblings are still putting it to good use.
 Easter! Super low key this year but we prefer to keep Easter small anyway.

 I love it when I randomly catch them doing things like this. Happens all the time.

 Another random sleeping picture. She put this clip in her hair. In the morning she came upstairs and said she couldn't find the "crown" she was wearing when she fell asleep. Hilarious.
 I am going to miss hearing all the fun these guys have together building forts in the basement when these guys move. 

 Saydi did this to Emmett the other morning. Poor boy. I can't help but find it hilarious though. Especially coupled with the hand-me-down pink Bumbo.
 Which he can no longer sit in because he started doing this. I literally caught him the split second before he rolled out of this thing and off the table. Twice. Now it's put away for good. =)
 He had his first hair cut at six months old!

 He was watching me get ready one morning and when I turned to look at him I saw this instead. Cracks me up.
 Cuddles with cousin Trevor.
A quick update on each of us: Mark is still limping around a little but not very noticeably. He doesn't have full function of his knee but is grateful for the things he can do. 

Weston is finishing up kindergarten next week and I can't even let myself process it because I will just fall apart. Sometimes he goes and plays with a friend after school and doesn't get home until after 3 and when I think that that's how every day is going to be next year it makes me want to bawl. I love having my kids home. He is still the most amazing big brother you ever saw and is very helpful with big boy chores like helping take care of the chickens and the garbage. He loves playing electronic games and picks up on things after watching just once or twice. He is reading on his own as long as the words are small and loves learning.

Saydi really thrived in preschool this year and knows her whole alphabet and the sounds they make. She changes her mind daily on whether she's going to be a dolphin or a dragon when she grows up. Sometimes a tiger. She has become such a tender hearted girl and although she can still show her feisty side, she is the one that is the peacemaker more often than not. She loves helping with anything and everything around the house. All she wants in return is a sticker for her sticker chart. =) She is so imaginative and tells the most creative stories you can imagine. So creative that most of the time you don't understand anything she's talking about!

Jonas has absolutely no traces of baby left in him. He is 100% little boy now. He talks more than the other two ever did at this age. He is so incredibly loving and still likes to cuddle. I've been sick this week and yesterday I walked by him while he was on my bed and he stuck his arms out to give me a hug. So I gave him a hug and then he said in the most concerned  little voice, "Mommy are you all better?" Melt my heart. He gets attached to little things and you will find no less than five different toys in his bed (that weren't there when he was put to bed) on any given morning. He is having a hard time with the concept of sharing lately but he is so fun loving and kind hearted that it's hard to stay upset with him for very long.

Emmett is growing like a champ. He has been my easiest baby without question. Maybe I just have the hang of this now. Or maybe I don't care about the little things as much. Maybe both. He is babbling now, mostly saying "dada" and also likes to fake laugh and fake cough. He adores food. And pretty much anything that goes in his mouth. He got his first two bottom teeth about a week ago and so far doesn't handle teething all that great. Can't blame the guy. He loves watching his siblings play and will rarely be happy if he is by himself. He won't sleep in the car because he loves looking around so much that he doesn't let himself fall asleep. As long as there's no crying I'm ok with that! 

Life in general is great and we are feeling very blessed. We know that we are on a path the Lord has set before us and we are grateful to see what new journeys come our way when we make our move in a few short months.

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