Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Run Down

Here's what's happening with us: Mark is working at Spudnik in Blackfoot for the time being. He is a plasma operator so he cuts steel for ten hours a day. He is enjoying the physical labor of it but we are really hoping his career will change soon. He is in the hiring process with Idaho Falls Police Department. They sure are slow about these things and patience is a virtue that I lack. He misses the Marine Corps but we don't regret our decision to leave. After eight years of service he was ready to be his own person instead of government property.

I am staying home with Weston and enjoy it so much. I was a little worried about being a full-time mom because I've done some full-time babysitting in my life and although it wasn't bad, it wasn't great either. However, being a mom is a completely different experience (it helps that I'm not a teenager anymore either). I love seeing Weston change daily and the hugs and snuggles make all the hard times more then worth it.

Weston is crawling around everywhere and has been for almost three months now. He will turn nine months on Sep. 10 and I can hardly believe the time has gone by so quickly. He holds on the furniture and walks from couch to loveseat and back again just because he can. He has a built in radar for trouble and has had more then a few head bumps...we're trying to help him be more careful but it's hard with a little boy. He loves food and will eat anything except peas, which he gags on. Although he's still willing to keep eating them - heaving all the while. He loves to go new places and is happiest when we're out and about. He's a special boy and it was worth the two year wait to get him.

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