Dear Weston,
On December 10, 2007 I saw your beautiful face for the first time. My life has not been the same since. When I was pregnant with you I thought I'd never get to see what you looked like. Or at least not soon enough! Then, in the blink of an eye, you were in my arms and I understood what love was. I was smitten with you right from the start. You grew so fast and I literally watched you change before my eyes. Although each day brought new challenges (this was my first time doing this after all!) it also brought even more love and happiness at seeing what a special spirit you are. It truly was obvious from birth that you were a unique little boy.
Your first year brought all kinds of changes: a 1,000 mile drive to move back home to Idaho from California, a new job for daddy, two different places to live in, and of course sitting, crawling, talking, walking, and all the other things that come with growing up. You were a silly boy and always made people smile. We had so much fun with you and daddy and I loved being your parents every day.
During your second year we welcomed home a baby sister for you and we saw a whole new side to your character that has blown us away. You are a nurturer at heart. I've never seen such a little boy be so kind, loving, considerate, and helpful. Especially with a baby sister! It became obvious to us why you were our firstborn. We could not be more proud of you and happy with the little boy that you are.
Your third year brought lots of growing (still!) and even more learning. You started to love doing things like repeating the alphabet with mommy and spelling your name. As well as counting to ten and telling mommy the colors of everything you see. You became more particular about the color of your spoon or bowl at meal time and decided you wanted a say in what you wear. While your streak of independence brings challenges at times, I have loved watching you make your own choices and show mommy and daddy how much you know. Just the other day we were looking at pictures together and I showed you a picture of Jonah and the whale and pointed Jonah out. You pointed to the whale and said, "whale, he spit him out!" I was so happy with you at that moment Weston. To know that you care about the scripture stories already and that you have been listening all this time as we've read your scripture books.
As you enter your fourth year of life I can only anticipate all the new things you'll do and learn. You've been in my life for three short years and they've been the best three years of my life. Truly. I don't know how long Heavenly Father will let me have you here on this earth, but no matter how long it is it wouldn't be enough if I didn't know that I will get to be with you forever. You are so special Weston. Never forget it or let anyone tell you otherwise. You have a special purpose here on earth and I know with all my heart you will fulfill it. Daddy and I love you so much and are so happy to have you in our family.
Happy birthday Weston Mark.
Your Mama
AW! Such a sweet post about your little weston! Happy Birthday Weston! :)
Jen what a beautiful post. He is one special little guy. Happy birthday Weston I can't believe he is already three.
What a great letter for a special little boy! Happy Birthday Weston!
I absolutely love this post, made me cry. I may steal this idea from you in a few months. =) What a sweet little boy he is. I am so glad you live here and that I've had the opportunity to get to know your kids. I thought that would never happen when you first had him. Love you so much Wes! Hope you have a fun and happy Birthday!
What a fabulous post! I'm sure Weston will really enjoy reading this when he's older. He's an amazing little boy and A LOT of that is because of you (even if you don't think so). I hope he has a very happy day!
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