Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Morons In My Life (Oxy, That Is)

A new year always provides an opportunity for reflection. So do three sleepless nights spent with a feverish baby girl. And those reflections have led me to realize how full of oxymorons my life is.

*oxymoron - a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect.

1. Saydi coming to me and telling me she wants a new bum and making her own way to her changing table, after which being placed upon she starts squirming, writhing, and yelling repeatedly, "No!" while I change it for her.

2. A husband who needs to go to bed early at night (or sleep during the day depending on the rotation) because he has to work for 12 hours. Husband then going to said place of "work" and sleeping while there. Huh?

3. Laundry. 'Nuff said.

4. Needing to get good rest at night to help my body make this little bug grow and be healthy, yet waking up a minimum of 3-4 times to relieve bladder of contents that is being pushed on by the little guy.

5. Cleaning my house every night in order for the kids to have a fresh slate to dirty up the next day. I realize it's not totally pointless, but feels contradictory nonetheless.

6. Taking two small children to church to teach them reverence and respect. Getting to church and having them dump their cheerios in the middle of the aisle, fight with each other, and otherwise wreak havoc upon the surrounding benches of churchgoers.

Perhaps some of this oxymorons will sort themselves out throughout the year. Others, however, are here to stay. Like laundry. Ugh.


The Stones said...

Haha, you're hilarious! How true those all are. Saydi telling you to change her and then fighting you to do so is pretty hilarious. Well...for me because I don't have to deal with it. :) I hope your house is on the way to healthy. Good luck! Love ya

The Ericksons said...

Those are great reflections! I have decided that laundry is my nemesis. And I noticed you referred to the baby as "the little guy." What up with that?

The Carters said...

Great post! I totally feel you on almost all of those. If you ever figure out the answer to laundry, PLEASE let me know! :)

Jared and Karissa said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! I think all mom's can totally relate-- it's just so funny to hear it worded how you put it... it really is an oxymoron! My two personal faves--Laundary and church. I love my kiddos, but seriously I can't wait til I can actually listen to a talk at church again :). And to think I once took this for granted....

Peterson Family said...

I LOVE this list!! Every one of them are true! You're hilarious!!