Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Friends

My kids have been trading fevers back and forth for the whole month of February so we haven't been up to much. (Unless going crazy counts.) But even when they are sick they are always the best of friends. Here is some proof.
Mark's mom got the kids these towels and they LOVE them. After baths they run around with them on their heads like capes. It's pretty hilarious.
Poor Saydi just laid on the couch after her nap one day when her fever was particularly high and Weston crawled up there just to keep her company, even though he was fine.
They ran around the house for a couple of hours the other day with these boxes on their heads.
Saydi always gets as close as she can to Weston whenever he lays on the floor. (Notice Weston's poor cheeks? They get fire engine red every now and then and super hot. Poor guy. And I stopped Saydi from sticking that finger any farther up her nose, just fyi.) =)
We are hoping all the illness is gone for good and we are slowly getting back to normal and getting caught up on projects that needed to be done around the house and had to wait. So ready for spring!


Kimber Bowen said...

I am so sorry that the bugs have been invading your home too. Sick kids are so hard. I hope you have been getting some rest and doing good this pregnancy. I love how much they love each. What adorable children you have. Little Miss Saydi just gets me she is so stinkin cute.

Brett and Cherice said...

Sorry about the fevers all month! That stinks! Hopefully March will be better:) I love love love all the pictures! Weston and Saydi are such cute best friends, it's so great!

The Stones said...

Cute, cute kids! I love that Saydi shadows her big brother. They are so sweet. I can't believe Weston's cheeks in that pic! I can feel the heat from here! Hopefully March will be fever free.

Andrew and Steph said...

Oh Jen your kids are so cute! I love the one where Weston came up to keep sick little Saydi company. What a good big brother. Those two are going to be great older siblings.