Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Facts and Fotos

I have so many pictures of Jonas that I just love and even though I should probably not post every last one of them I'm going to do basically just that! He's just too cute for me not to. So here are pictures and some of the things we've been finding out about our newest addition.

Jonas is a really good baby. He definitely has his moments but he is very easy going. He likes to be held all the time and will do good on his own only if he can see or smell mommy. He spits up a ton like Weston did which makes for lots of messes. Saydi was the victim of one of his incidents and she said, "Jonas spilled! Get da wipes, get da wipes!"

He goes about 2 1/2 to 3 hours at night and during the day so we still don't have much of a set schedule since I never know which one he's going to prefer. But he is getting better at having long periods of time where he's awake and content which we all love. Weston and Saydi love him so much. They always want to hold him and I swear Saydi gives him kisses about 20 times a day. We love our little squirmy guy!

This picture makes him look so chubby! He is about nine pounds already and we love that he's so healthy looking.
My flash made Mark and Jonas squint and make practically the same face. Ha! Love it.
My sister, Sarah made this onesie for Jonas. Adorable.

He laid on the couch and slept like this for about 10 minutes one day while I was trying to load the other two up in the car. Patiently waiting his turn.
He loves to put his hands by his face. I still have to swaddle him tight if I want him to stay asleep and not hit himself. When he gets his hands out though it usually results in some cheek squishage like this picture shows.
Life with three kids is definitely an adjustment but has been easier for me then when I went from one to two. I've been so grateful for Jonas and the things he's taught me already. I've definitely been less anal about my house and whether it's spotless or not. Just not possible with three kids three and under! And yet we still survive despite dishes in the sink. =)


Kimber Bowen said...

He is so handsome! I am so glad that Saydi and Weston are just adoring him.

Heidi said...

how funny! I think I have a picture of Victor making that exact face, lol. He's sooo stinking adorable Jen!!

Taunya Spaulding said...

oh what a cutie!! makes me almost want another one...almost! :)