Thursday, August 25, 2011

2 Months

Seriously? I had Jonas two months ago? I can hardly believe it is going by so fast. But it is and we are trying to enjoy every moment we can! Jonas had his two month checkup yesterday and he is growing great! He weighs 11 pounds 7 oz. (33rd percentile) and is now 23 inches long (52nd percentile). He didn't handle his immunizations so well and had a raging fever all day and all night but he's slept it off today and is doing well. I just love him so much. He is such a sweet spirit and I know he was meant to come to our family at the time that he did. He is so happy and smiley and is starting to talk a lot! He will have conversations with me that just melt my heart. So what if all that's said back and forth is "ah goo"? =) He is such a blessing to our home and I feel more then blessed that he is my son. Here are some pictures to enjoy! (Please forgive the poor quality of the ones from my cell phone. Sometimes you just have to capture the moment with whatever is closest!)
A result of my hands being full and not wanting to make two trips up the stairs. Lazy, perhaps. Adorable, yes!
Chillin' in one of his favorite hang outs.
Poor baby sweating off his fever with daddy yesterday. You'll notice 9 times out of 10 he's asleep with his daddy. Mommy is always too busy to take naps. ;)
But occasionally I do get to slip a few seconds of sleep in.
All my kids do this when they can get their arms free. I love it because Mark and I both sleep with our arms over our heads too.
Tell me how I'm not supposed to kiss this face 100 times a day? LOVE HIM!


Brett and Cherice said...

Those pictures are adorable. He looks so cute next to mark asleep, and that smile! So cute:)

Tim and Amber said...

I totally have done that thing with the laundry basket! what a cutie!!

Taunya Spaulding said...

Well, you're not the only one that's done that with the laundry basket! i still do it with garrett! makes for a heavier load but...
he is just so stinking cute!!!

Andrew and Steph said...

Jen, Jonas is so adorable! He'd have scabs on his cheeks if he was my baby. Those cheeks just say kiss me :) oh and I love your big picture of the kids. They are so stinkin cute and all looking at the camera! That can be a feat in its self. Good job.

The Stones said...

Sweet little bug! I love how he's starting to fill out. Chubby babies are the best. Im sorry he had a rough time with shots. Glad he's better. Love the pics. He just gets cuter and cuter.