Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Saydi Baby

Ok, so she's not a baby anymore but that hasn't stopped us from calling her that. Probably because she's just so precious! Even if she is a bit of a drama queen. We love her for who she is and let me tell ya, I knew Saydi was going to try to go by her own set of rules when I was still pregnant with her! She is such a special girl and we are blessed to have her in our home. Here is what Saydi is up to:

-She likes (ok demands) to get herself dressed. She still has problems with her shirt though. But don't you dare try to help her without asking first!
-She makes this face:

about 153 times a day. Usually when she says something like, "I not gonna pee in my underwear anymore."
-She does in fact still pee in her underwear. It's been a hard road with her and potty training. She still has accidents but not like she used to. We are going to check and make sure there are no medical issues there because she says she doesn't know when she has to go (and she doesn't dance around, or hide or anything like that either.)
-She is a fabulous sister! She will always go get a diaper for Jonas. Even if she is downstairs in the middle of playing and she hears me mention that Jonas needs a new bum; she will stop what she's doing and go upstairs to get a diaper for me. The picture below is from one morning when I went to go make Jonas a bottle. I came back and found her like this with him. He didn't love it but it was cute anyway!
-She is very talkative but not if other people are around. She isn't as shy as Weston but definitely did inherit a streak of it from her daddy.
-She still, hands down, has the greatest laugh of all time. My favorite thing in the world is when she raises her eyebrows as high as they'll go and belly laughs. It is the most adorable thing you ever did see. Seriously.
-She recognizes a lot of her letters and numbers. But she will fight you tooth and nail to tell you that "9" is "6" and vice versa. 
-She loves the color purple. And although she loves playing with cars and balls with brother she loves babies and dolls and girly things. When we let them walk down the toy aisles at the store Saydi is always drawn to the girl things and will ignore the boy things.
-She doesn't really have a lot of foods she doesn't like. She just eats everything in small portions. And she recently decided she likes milk. Yay! Finally one of our kids is a milk drinker.
-She uses those chubby cheeks! She will shove tons of food in her mouth at once. It's disgusting and a bad habit that she's working on! (It's also a little bit hilarious.)
-She is making the most of the "terrible two's" and is constantly in time out for throwing fits but she's getting better about it and she is by no means a naughty or rotten little girl. The nursery people tell me every Sunday when I pick her up what a good girl she is and how impressed they are with her. And she almost never misbehaves in public. So I'll take it!
-She is a mama's girl and is our little cuddle bug! She will gladly cuddle with us for no reason at all.
- She is going to be our book worm! She always carries a book around and she almost always asks for one to look at in bed. She loves to be read to.
-She likes to watch Diego (which she calls "Diego Go") with Weston and also likes Dora and Super Why.
-She likes to color and try to write her name. Funnily enough though she prefers to try to write Weston's name! I guess just because she sees him doing it. =)
-Everywhere we go people tell her she has beautiful eyes, and they have since she was about 4 months old.

We love you Saydi Jo and are so glad you are part of our family! You are so precious and unique.


Taunya Spaulding said...

aw, i love those pictures! have a merry christmas and we need to get together soon! maybe after all of the holiday hoopla is over with? yes? ok! :)

The Ericksons said...

Such a sweet, sweet girl. Love her!