Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our Newest Addition

No, it's not our baby boy! It's four baby chicks! Mark got the idea from a guy at work and since raising chickens actually has a monetary benefit (unlike having a dog) I decided I could get on board with that. Here's to hoping I don't regret it!
The kids sure do love watching them. Weston likes holding them but Saydi doesn't want to even touch them. I had to laugh that Wes was so anxious to hold them when we got them home but then later he says, "Mama, I scared" so I go see what he's scared of...a fly. Silly boy! Chicks must be a happy medium for him because dogs are too big and apparently flies are too small.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Moving Right Along

I get weekly updates from and today's cartoon at the bottom was too good not to post. It is exactly how I feel:
Here's a real live picture of me (although I prefer the cartoon). This is actually from last week but we'll pretend I'm not getting bigger by the second and say that this is still an accurate photo.
Most of the time I can't believe how fast my pregnancy is going but I do have my days where I can't believe how much I still have left. I may explode before the baby comes. And if I knew how to do it, I'm pretty sure I would remove my sciatic nerve from my back to stop it from hurting. Good thing I know it will all be worth it when I see my new baby boy. =)

The kids are doing great and we have been having fun working on getting rooms finished and moved around. Weston is very excited to have Saydi sleep downstairs with him soon and Saydi is anxious to be out of her toddler bed. It's too small for her and her crazy sleep habits! Mark's work schedule has been crazy these last couple weeks so my dad helped us with some of the things I couldn't do and I am oh so grateful. Hopefully we will make some major progress in the next week or two and I will post pictures of the changes! Life is good and we are enjoying making it even better!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Little of Everything

I haven't really been blogging a lot this year because it seems like there's not much for me to blog about. But despite all our laziness and run of the mill day to day there are still things I don't want to forget. So here's a hodge podge post of things we've done and things my kids are doing that I want to remember. =)


Weston is growing up so fast and for the most part I just plain love it. I think I would be more sad if I didn't have another baby boy on the way. He has Mark's imagination for sure! The other night I moved all the chairs haphazardly into the living room to get ready to mop and Weston lined them all perfectly up and made himself a tunnel that he and Saydi were crawling under. Then he realized if they sat in their chairs they could be on a train! They are both obsessed with trains so they loved just sitting there and pretending. Oh to be a kid again.
I've said it 100 times but this little boy is seriously the best big brother. We went to Sizzler a few nights ago and Mark and I were sitting on one side, Saydi and Weston on the other side of our booth and we look up to see Weston holding Saydi's cup for her so she can take a drink from her straw. No one asked him to do it. He just saw that Saydi wanted a drink so he helped her. That's the kind of boy he is. Most of the time if we don't understand Saydi, Weston does. And 9 times out of 10 when I'm getting them dinner or snacks or something, he wants to give Saydi hers first and then have his own. He's golden.

He started going to Primary this year and he struggled at first but loves it now. He usually participates (which is shocking since he is more like Mark then me socially) and he always tells me what he learned in class. In fact, he got so comfortable that he started always taking off his shoes, his tie, and unbuttoning his shirt! We had to discuss not doing that. =) Another cute thing I love is that whenever something breaks he thinks his Papa (my dad) can fix it. Our battery went out in our van and my dad came over to get it going so we could drive it to get a new one. Ever since then it doesn't matter where we are or what breaks - "Papa fick it!"


I don't think this little girl will ever outgrow her nickname "Precious". She truly is just that. She has a mind of her own and some days her attitude makes me feel like tearing my hair out - but she is a precious little thing. One of my favorite things about her is how much she loves her baby. I went to check on her the other night and found her like this in her bed - hours after she had fallen asleep and her baby still clutched tightly to her chest.
She will wrap her baby up in a blanket and hold her close and say "shh, shh, shh" while she rocks her and pats her bum. I love it. But she's not afraid to throw that thing around either so we will still be keeping a close eye on her when her baby brother arrives! Saydi started nursery the end of last year and she didn't like it much at first but the last three Sundays I've picked her up and they've told me what a good girl she is and that she just played and had fun. It's so nice to have some free time to be able to do my calling without a child hanging on me. For three more months at least!

She says soooo many words and is talking in sentences a lot. My absolute favorite is when she yells "I did it!" after arranging her toys a certain way or climbing into her chair by herself. And I'm not sure why but she insists on calling Weston "Saydi". She can say Weston, which is why it is so perplexing. But when she hears him coming up the stairs in the morning the first thing she shouts is "Saydi!" She has the cutest little voice and uses the cutest inflections in everything she says. Hands down this little girl has the best laugh I've ever heard. I keep trying to get a video of her laughing hysterically to prove that it's true.

She and Weston have quite a system down and I'm hoping baby #3 will adapt and fit in with what they have going on because it definitely works for them. Despite Saydi being a diva and having a flare of attitude, if she takes a toy from Weston and she knows it all you have to do is tell her to give it back and she will - no questions asked. Because it's his. They are AMAZING at taking turns and wait patiently when they hear "my turn!" cried out by the other. They definitely fight - but most of their fights are easily solved and not a big deal.
The Rest of Us

We went to Utah last weekend for a couple days and spent some time at Sean and Crystal's. They had a little boy, Austin, on Feb. 25th and he is PERFECT. I loved holding him and the way he would snuggle up to me. It was fun and the kids had a good time playing with Audrey while we wasted a good two days on Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne (if you consider that a waste!). It was lots of fun and it was good for us to get a way for a while. This picture is of Audrey trying to get Uncle Mark's sunglasses. If that little girl wants something she will find a way to get it!
Other then that we have been gearing up for spring and a new baby and trying to get rooms moved around (pictures of all the changes will probably be coming soon) and clothes put away and pulled out for the little rugrat that will be here before we know it. At least I think if I keep saying that I will feel that way. Life is good and even though we have trials, melt downs, and road blocks, we are enjoying getting through it all together!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Friends

My kids have been trading fevers back and forth for the whole month of February so we haven't been up to much. (Unless going crazy counts.) But even when they are sick they are always the best of friends. Here is some proof.
Mark's mom got the kids these towels and they LOVE them. After baths they run around with them on their heads like capes. It's pretty hilarious.
Poor Saydi just laid on the couch after her nap one day when her fever was particularly high and Weston crawled up there just to keep her company, even though he was fine.
They ran around the house for a couple of hours the other day with these boxes on their heads.
Saydi always gets as close as she can to Weston whenever he lays on the floor. (Notice Weston's poor cheeks? They get fire engine red every now and then and super hot. Poor guy. And I stopped Saydi from sticking that finger any farther up her nose, just fyi.) =)
We are hoping all the illness is gone for good and we are slowly getting back to normal and getting caught up on projects that needed to be done around the house and had to wait. So ready for spring!