Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ready for Summer

I realized it has been a while since I last posted. And then I realized that is in direct correlation to the time that I got my Kindle Fire. Now all my free time goes there. =) But in an attempt to get caught up without getting too wordy, I will instead post about 101 pictures. Not that I don't do that every post too. Ha!

The very first weekend it was even somewhat warm, daddy broke out the tent and we slept outside. Well, for half of the night anyway.

Jonas looks so big to me in this picture. He fell asleep way before the sun went down. I came inside with him before it got cold.
 Now that it's getting warmer we are getting wet a lot too. Which Jonas has decided to get on board with.

 Even when sister is naughty and gets him soaking wet as he innocently watches her take a bath.
 Weston ended his first year of preschool with a trip to the zoo. He loved it.
 This little man is terrified beyond all reason of dogs. But give him a goat and a brush and he knows no boundaries.
 With his friend from school (and church) Olivia.
Other than all this we have been busy with lots of projects including a raised garden and a coat closet in our garage. And the kiddos just keep growing, growing, growing. Especially Jonas. But I will save all of that for another date. Coming soon: swimming, Saydi's birthday, Jonas' first birthday, picnics, and more summer fun! We can't wait! (As long as it doesn't get TOO hot.)


Andrew and Shandee said...

Your kids are growing up so fast!!!! Its crazy how fast time flies. You have such a cute family.

The Ericksons said...

You really meant it when you said that Jones isn't scared of the water! Super cute!