Saturday, June 9, 2012


I was looking at my pictures on my computer today and realized I had a bunch I didn't put on the blog that I definitely think are blog worthy. So we're backing up a couple months.

Becky came over a while ago and did some laundry here. Maylee looks less than thrilled about this development but she honestly was enjoying herself.
So we added J to the mix and a good time was had by all.
 Weston made some glasses at school. Cracks me right up.
 Jonas got his first hair cut. I didn't get a good enough picture to show the difference but here is the before:
And here is after. I didn't mean to cut the top so short but I didn't want to try to blend it on his first one because I didn't know if he was going to freak out or not. He loved it. It was pretty funny. And don't worry...the dandelion garden in the background has since been addressed and eliminated.
Here is a picture the day after. He looks so much bigger with a hair cut. He is getting his second one today and we are going to attempt the fade so wish us luck!
 He really is such a happy boy. All my kids are. They just don't always show it when we are other places.
 And this picture just plain melts my heart. Jonas is just as much of a mama's boy as Saydi was a mama's girl but he loves his daddy almost as much as me too. ;) Plus, there is nothing as attractive as your husband with his baby. Am I right ladies??!!
Ok now we are back to the present. Too bad I have been too lazy to get my camera out for anything. Maybe tomorrow. Or the next day.

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