Monday, March 11, 2013


Well, I have been terrible at keeping up the blog lately. But I have a good reason. And it is this:
Baby number four will be arriving around the middle-ish of September. We are very excited. I haven't been too terribly sick but there have been many days that I have been stuck on the couch because my tummy was unhappy. The most noticeable symptom has just been my absolute lack of motivation and energy. Honestly, some days I feel like this baby is sucking the life force out of me. =) But now that the first trimester is wrapped up I am starting to come out of the fog. It is weird how one week you can feel utterly hopeless and like this is going to be your life for the rest of eternity and then the next week the clouds start parting and you start feeling human again. Pregnancy is weird. And incredible. So yeah, a pretty good reason to slack on the journaling, I think!

Here are some other random pictures to remind myself that life really has continued on, even if I feel like we have been stuck in a time warp for the last three months.
 They loved playing with cloud dough (8 cups flour + 1 cup baby oil)

And shaving cream too.
 Saydi was channeling Michael Jackson the other day and had to eat her breakfast with her gloves on.
 I love it when I am busy doing other things and walk by to find my kids sitting like this of their own accord. Happens all the time. They love each other so much.

 Mark is buried under there somewhere.

 Our home made hammocks were a huge hit. We will be doing this again soon.

And this guy lost his first tooth! I couldn't believe it. He is growing up faster than I am ready for. I register him for kindergarten this week. :'(
So, I will probably be better about this now that I am feeling halfway human again. At least I hope so!


Stewart Family said...

Yay! Congrats Jen! That is awesome! Glad the clouds are parting and you are starting to feel a little normal again! :) SO happy for you! :)

Taunya Spaulding said...

WHAT THE HECK?!?! :) :) I'M TOTALLY JEALOUS~but i'm so excited for you guys! how fun! :) we really need to get together soon! :)

Brett and Cherice said...

Oh Jen, your kids are beautiful, so glad you are having another!! So excited for your little family. Love the pics, you do such fun things with your kids, I need to do stuff like that more often! Glad you are starting to feel better!