Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Fun

Here's a video I took of Weston recently. It's not even that special but I just love watching his little legs and his face-breaking grin. You get a glimpse of his chattering too which has recently begun to take place from sun up to sun down. He really thinks I know every word he's saying. I love it.
The other day my sisters and their kids came over in the afternoon and played on Amy's slip 'n slide. I broke down and went a put my swimming suit on so I could demonstrate a good run down the slide. Let's just say slip 'n slides are not the nursing mother's best friend! I only went down a few times before I started losing my nerve and not running quite so fast. =) Weston wasn't too excited by it but of course after I got him dressed he discovered there were still puddles of water to play in and got himself totally wet. Silly boy.
Mark's niece Stephanie is here again for a little while and has been a big help. I actually got to take a bath yesterday! She's going camping this weekend with Mark and Wes and the Carlson/Pack side of the family. Since Saydi is still waking up so much at night we felt like it would be rude to keep the whole family up! I'll be grateful for the extra eyes on Weston since, let's face it, Mark tends to become a Fussy-watching slacker around all his family!
Saydi got her pictures taken yesterday and they are INCREDIBLE. I can hardly wait to get them and post them. I took her in for a weight check today (9 lbs!!) and also had her belly button looked at. It sticks out about an inch and sure enough - she has a hernia. The doctor said most babies that get them reabsorb them within the first 12 months so she should be fine. Mark's devastated we have to wait that long though because belly buttons make him sick to begin with but Saydi's puts him over the edge! He says he's not changing her diapers till it goes away...uh huh. We'll see about that! 
Life is becoming normal again and I am so thankful every day for my beautiful family. They mean everything to me!


The Ericksons said...

I still can't believe you went down the slip and slide - you are crazy! It was hilarious though! Hey, why don't you post THAT video? =)

Heidi said...

That stinks saydi has a hernia! I hope she's not in any pain and that she gets better soon. Slip n slide sounds like so much fun! What a fun group you all are :)

Jake and Gretchen said...

I love hearing your laugh Jen! Takes me back to the good ole days! Sure wish I could have been there for the slip and slide! (:

Taunya Spaulding said...

i can't believe you went down the slip n slide! did you leave a white trail behind??!! just kidding! just the thought of it makes my boobs hurt!!! ha ha! i'm so sorry to hear that little baby saydi has a hernia! how sad! i hope she starts to feel better! hey! are we still on for aug 6th for girls night at my house?