Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Beautiful Babies

Here are some recent pictures I've taken (admittedly not as many as I should have taken or as many as I took with Weston...terrible, I know). I know I'm probably biased but I just think my kids are so beautiful. I love to look at them and memorize their little features because they change so much. I hope when Weston is Mark's age I will remember him how he is now. And the same goes for Saydi. I love them so much already and can not even imagine my life without them despite the fact that they have been in my life for such a short amount of time.
Weston trying to calm Saydi down.
I couldn't resist posting this one. Mark loves this dumb hat he got in Mexico on our cruise and he wears it when he does lawn work. Weston loves it now too!
I love to watch my kids sleep. I took this picture of Saydi the other day in her crib. I just think she's precious!
Apparently life is just exhausting when you're 10 days old.
This cracks me up. Weston loves to peek in at Saydi but he always climbs up there and forgets that he's not comfortable getting down on his own. So he'll just hang there and fuss until we come get him. Fussy Britches.

My life seems to be flying by and standing still all at the same time now that I've got two little ones. Saydi had really bad jaundice and for the first nine days of her life I was feeding her every two hours. Jaundice makes them really sleepy too so it wasn't an easy task to wake her and that alone would sometimes take a half an hour. She's finally over it though and has started eating just about every three to four hours which is such a nice change. I still feel like a zombie most of the time but I also have periods where I feel so great so that's nice. She is a good baby and we are falling more and more in love with her every day. The other night I finished nursing her and sat her up. Her hair was a total mess, she had milk dripping all over her chin and was smacking her lips and I just absolutely fell in love with her at that moment. Only a mother I suppose. =) Weston is being so incredible with her. He constantly wants to hold her. He used to randomly say Ma Ma and Da Da throughout the day and now he has included Be Be which is Baby. He can't quite figure out how to say Saydi yet. I wanted to post this video of the first time he saw her though. He was more impressed with my squeaky bed. 
But then I took this video today and you can see that he has been won over by her. He always wants to help her when she cries and he loves to put his face as close to hers as possible when he holds her.

So we're adjusting to life with two kids slowly but surely. The days seem to all run together. But of course, whenever you have big life events you also have to have problems come up. Mark and I found wet carpet in our spare bedroom this last weekend and it rapidly turned into the entire room being wet including outside the bathroom in the hallway. So we had to call a company to come dry it and we found out that there was mold in the walls because the previous owners had apparently had the same problem and only taken care of one wall and not the other two as well. The water leaked in from the window well after that terrible rain storm so now we have to find a way to fix it so that we don't have to deal with this again. Sometimes being grown up is just nothing but a hassle! 


gibandshi said...

Your kids are adorable!! I love the video of Weston trying to put in the paci!! your so lucky to have such good help:)

The Carters said...

OH MY HECK! I don't check your blog for a week and look what I miss! Congrats on another darling little one. Saydi is so sweet and I'm glad to hear you are doing good!

Tim and Amber said...

Weston is so adorable with Saydi! he is going to be a great helper for you and a great big brother! (thanks for the hair compliment! :))

Jake and Gretchen said...

I can't get over how beautiful Saydi is! She has such pretty skin. You are such a cute little fam and I hope you are doing ok. I know those first few weeks are pretty rough but life will become normal again!

Brett and Cherice said...

Your kids are so so cute!! I love the videos, Weston was working so hard on that binky!

Taunya Spaulding said...

you're kids are so cute! i love the videos! looks like weston is enjoying being a big brother!

The Pascoe Family said...

Those videos bring back so many memories!!! Luke was about the same age as Wes when Gracie was born. In the hospital he didn't really want anything to do with her, too many other things were more interesting. Then once we got home he was in love. He always tried to give her the binki and was always checking on her. Luke also couldn't say Gracie yet so for a long time he called her baby, then it was baby Grace.
Your kids are so cute. I am excited for all the fun times you have ahead of you.

alisekelley said...

Jen you do have beautiful babies. It is truly amazeing how much you can love them. I am glad things are going pretty well! I hope that you can get things fixed with your house. It is hard being a grownup. So much more to worry about!!!!

Heidi said...

that video of weston is totally adorable. He's such a good big brother!

Kimber Bowen said...

I love the video of Weston trying to put in the paci. So incredibly cute. Saydi is absolutely beautiful. Congrats again. Sorry about the water damage in your home. Hope all is going well.

Peterson Family said...

That video of Weston trying to put Saydi's binki in is so cute! I just had to laugh! They are both so adorable! Glad Saydi is doing better! Jaundice is so exhasting! Sorry about the water and mold in your house. That is one of my biggest fears about buying a house but I guess it happens and you deal with it! But I agree, growing up sure is a hassle!

Miriam said...

oh jen, that is sooo sweet! I love weston helping saydi, he is just so concentrated on helpin her get her passi!! Congrats, She is very pretty. Hope your feeling good!

Jaclyn Davis Photography said...

okay, weston trying to put in the paci is the cutest thing EVER. we need to come by and see her again. she looks like she has changed so much! and we need to do some pictures!!!

Andrew and Steph said...

I was laughing so hard at the video of Weston with that darn paci! That's so classic. He looked so grown up with Saydi. Your kids are so cute! You look awesome too! I hope everything is going well.