Monday, September 21, 2009

Anderson Reunion

My grandparents live in Rexburg and decided to have a little reunion this weekend with all of us who are close. My dad and is younger brother, Gordon, are the only ones who live close of their SEVEN kids. So it was them and their kids as well as two of my cousins, April and Ominy and their families. It was really fun. Weston was really short on sleep though so he was a pretty big terd and rather embarrassing with all the crying. It was still a good time though and here are some cute pictures I got.
Dad is ALWAYS giving bunny ears when he gets pictures with his siblings so Susie was trying to return the favor. =)
Grandma with Amber (Gordon and Susie's) and Emma (Amy and Aaron's). Kind of weird that one is a granddaughter and one is a great-granddaughter!
Weston loves this little playhouse at my grandparents. He entertained himself on the slide for a long, long time. After he had climbed through the barbwire fence and was running through the weeds on the other side of their property of course. Yeah, we couldn't find him and I was freaking out and then Mark saw a little man running through the bushes! Such a boy.
Aunt Amy and Saydi. We are so excited that Amy is having another baby in March! We're crossing our fingers for a little girl so that Saydi can have another little girl cousin to play with (Sarah's also having a little girl in January/December).


Heidi said...

Sounds like you had a great time! Saydi is getting so big and even more adorable every day :) Poor little Weston, hopefully he'll skip the whole terrible 2's and horrible 3s stage for you!

Jake and Gretchen said...

It is so good to see pics of your fam, I miss them! I could definitely go for one of your mom's big bear hugs! (: Your little Saydi is getting so big and Weston is as cute as ever.