Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Teeth, Swimming, and General Cuteness

Saydi finally had her two bottom teeth break through just over a week ago. I took this picture the day after and you can only see one really good but now they're both through and starting to come up enough that you can see them when she laughs. I love it.
We also took the kids swimming the other day. It was Saydi's first time and she LOVED it.
She could've stayed there all day. I can't believe I'm adding this picture of me with her (beware the of heaving that will follow) but Saydi looks so cute in her little swimming suit that I just can't resist. And it's probably the only picture I have with me and my little girl since I'm always on the other side of the camera. =)
It was kind of bittersweet for me too though because when we first got there we asked the lady for two flotation things since Weston had to use one last year. But when I walked out of the dressing room with Saydi I saw my little guy standing all by himself in the swimming pool with his daddy completely out of arms reach and the water was barely even up to his chest! Sad! I guess I was in denial about how much he's grown. He loved it just as much as Saydi and they both bawled when we took them out. Even though it had been almost an hour and they were both getting cold.
Weston is talking more and more each day but he definitely has his favorites that he likes to say rather then working on new words. He asks me at least 100 times a day (NO JOKE) "was dis?" and then he repeats, or tries to repeat, what I tell him. He's figuring out that everything has a name and he wants to know what it is! I've tried for so long to get him to say "thank you" and a few weeks ago he finally started saying it. It was worth the wait! He says "thas you" but he does it with this adorable little inflection that makes it all sing-songy and he always says it at appropriate times. Sometimes he won't quit saying it until I say "you're welcome". Adorable. My other favorite thing he does is when he talks to Saydi in a baby voice. He'll make his voice so high pitched and say, "Saydi, 'mere, less go". It makes me laugh every time. He is still such a good brother and Saydi thinks the world of him. One of these days I'm going to video tape the reaction they have to each other first thing in the morning. It's priceless.

So besides kids there's a whole lot of scouts going on around here, some rearranging of furniture, overtime (I think Mark's the only person I know who is actually getting a truck load of overtime with the economy the way it is. I should be more grateful...) and just general happiness. We are getting sick of this cold weather though and are anxious to plant the garden and flowers and play outside! I'll come read this post again when it's 90 degrees outside and my kids refuse to come inside. =/


Kimber Bowen said...

Jen I love the photo of you and Saydi. She is adorable and you look so beautiful. You have such sweet children. I love Wes little smile.

gibandshi said...

Little girls swimsuits are soooo cute!! I am with you on the warm weather!!

Taunya Spaulding said...

i love the swimming pictures!! i want warm weather, too! so bad!! :)

alisekelley said...

I can't wait to go swimming with my girls! Love the pictures!

The Ericksons said...

You should get more photos of you and Saydi together - very cute! I can't believe how big Westy and Saydi are getting and they just keep getting more adorable. I love how excited they both were to see Harper the other night. So sweet!

Jillyn said...

Jen, you are lookin' smokin hot! You should not be ashamed at all. I love the pics. Needless to say, your kids a A-dorable! How are you? I miss you like crazy, but am excited because we're planning lots of trips to Idaho this summer. You know I'll be calling you!!! love you!

Peterson Family said...

You look great in the picture of you and Saydi! Love it! And I am completely with you on the warm weather! Seriously some sunshine with warm weather would be wonderful! We were teased a couple weeks ago and got to spend time outside and now I get to put up with boys begging to go on bike rides or go outside!