Weston got his tubes put in last Friday. I was worried he might be a bear since we had to wake him up at 5:30 in the morning but he was surprisingly excited by the hospital and all the new things to see. He played with this wagon pretty much the whole time until his surgery. And looked at pictures on daddy's phone too.
When the nurse took him away he went right to him and didn't even whimper or look back at us. I was mostly grateful because the little boy before him threw a ginormous fit and I got teary just thinking about Weston throwing a fit like that. But I'll be honest - a little part of me was offended that he didn't seem to need me. I just tell myself that he's well-adjusted and knew we weren't really leaving him. =) The surgery went well and I've already noticed that he's talking more. He is still pretty grouchy and I don't know if his ears still hurt or if something else is bothering him but I'm glad he got the surgery done and I know it was what he needed.
What's a post without some pictures of Saydi too? Here she is before church.
And this was a while ago and I've been meaning to post it. She was throwing the biggest fit when we were at Famous Dave's so we gave her an Oreo to keep her quiet. She liked it for sure!
I haven't mentioned yet that my sister, Becky, moved back from Boise and is living with us until she finds her own place. So that means that every other weekend her four boys join the ranks here at our house and it has been lots of fun! My kids adore them. Tyrel and Trevor are too big for their britches to let us take pictures but I liked this picture that Beck took of the twins. Bryce is in glasses and Brenon isn't. That's the only way to tell them apart!
In other news, Mark got a new calling as the 2nd counselor in the Young Men's which he's super excited about. And we are just 22 short days away from our trip to California!! SO excited! That will be a huge post - I'll warn you now!
Since you've gone private I forgot to click on your blog. I'm all up to date now :) I was totally thinking about you on your birthday by the way. I even mentioned it to Andrew. It sounds like you had a way fun one.
I'm glad Weston's surgery went good. My little neice had the same problem with her ears and she wasn't talking good either. They told her mom that it was like she was hearing under water all the time. After the tubes she made leaps and bounds with her speech. Hopefully that's the case.
Tell Becky and your fam hi for me. Its looks like you guys are having a ton of fun! I'll have to remember to click on your blog so I don't leave a story book comment every time :)
I love Saydi's Oreo goatee!!! =)
I'm glad Wes is doing so good now. I love all the pics and am diggin Saydi's messy face, hilarious! Thanks again for helping me with my blog and going to the library with me and putting up with me....so on and so on. Love ya tons!
glad to hear weston did ok with his tubes! :)
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