Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kid's Fair

Last week got off to a rocky start. I got a headache that landed me in bed for three days which hasn't happened in about five years. Then I got better just in time for Jonas to wake up covered in vomit and then start in on the diarrhea. We had big plans for Saturday so I was worried things were going to be rough but we made it to our day of fun slowly but surely. Mark went with the scouts to Craters of the Moon for a camp out and I took the kids with my sister, Becky, to the Kid's Craft Fair. It was madness. I seriously thought I was going to have an anxiety attack and lose a child (both of which almost happened).

The kids had fun jumping around on this and I wish I would have let them stay longer but I thought we would be doing other fun things. Turns out we mostly stood in line.
You may notice Weston has a red face. My poor boy is so shy and you could tell he was really nervous to let the fireman put him in the fire truck but he wanted to sit in there SO bad so he did it!

 No Saydi, we aren't done standing in line yet. 

 I'm pretty sure I know what Jonas was thinking: "Mom, you are one crazy lady to take us here. Don't lose my pacifier and we'll be fine."
And this is what it was all for. My kids LOVE Dora and Diego. LOVE THEM. I talked to them the night before about how we were going to see them but they would be big. We talked about not being scared, being polite, and sitting on their laps for a picture. Everyone was excited.
We get there and stand in line for over thirty minutes before we can even SEE them. And once we see them we realize the line snakes all the way down and back up again. At least another thirty minutes more of waiting. So we show Wes and Saydi Dora and Diego and they start panicking. The want nothing to do with it and neither of them wants to sit on their laps. I try convincing them to let me take a picture of them with Dora and Diego in the background. It didn't work...
 We headed to the store afterwards and that seemed to be more enjoyable for the kids. Although getting a balloon, popcorn and a sucker definitely made their day and they said they both had fun. But apparently making faces in this little mirror was better than seeing Dora and Diego.
 Kids. It's the little things I guess.
All in all it was a fun day even though it was hectic and stressful at times. So fun in fact that we ended the day with Weston barfing everywhere in the night. See...who says life is perfect?

Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm THAT Mom...

You know, the one who says, "come look at all these adorable pictures of my kids!" So you sit there politely nodding at picture, after picture, after picture. Yep, I 'm going to do that today. The good news is, you don't have to sit there politely if you get bored. Ah, the joy of the internet.

Jonesy boy is figuring out how to stand all by himself and is doing pretty good. He hasn't made it longer then about twenty seconds yet but we're getting there!
 This sweet baby girl turned one on the tenth and since Becky's two bedroom apartment couldn't really host sixteen kids and five adults we had it at our house. She enjoyed her cake!
Jonas didn't seem to mind wearing his Princess party hat one little bit.
 Whiny baby + whiny toddler + empty box = no more whining!
 This has become the new favorite place for these two to watch shows together. Pretty cute.
 But better with daddy there too. My kids are seriously all over Mark when he is home. They LOVE their daddy.
 With summer coming the kids have been on a hat craze. Which I love because it shows their cute little faces even better.

 His happiness is directly related to his level of messiness.
 Loving our back yard picnics. Especially Jonas apparently. =)
 My kids don't usually bathe together any more but we got home from dinner with family late one night and I did not have it in me to do three baths. So they all got dumped in and scrubbed down in about two minutes. Two minutes they all thoroughly enjoyed!
Stay tuned for more...tomorrow I am taking the kids to meet Dora and Diego! I really don't know if they are more excited or if I am. They are going to LOVE it. If they're not terrified to see a giant Dora and Diego. But that's what bribery is for right? ;)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter (Better Late Then Never)

Our plans for Easter weekend changed many times but after it was all said and done we still had an enjoyable weekend. I had a wisdom tooth pulled on Friday so on Saturday we stayed pretty low key and did an Easter egg hunt at home about the real meaning of Easter.
The kids loved opening the eggs and seeing what was there. There was a scripture to go with each item and apparently they remembered because yesterday Saydi saw a thorn and said, "Jesus got owies from thorns". Now I don't feel so bad that the night before Easter I was helping her say prayer and I told her to ask to help remember what Easter is for and instead of her saying it she answered me with "candies!"

The loot. We kept it small this year. I don't like Easter to be a big holiday in the aspect of gifts.
First thing the did: dump entire contents out.
 Jonas was confused at the yellow grass and didn't care for it much. =)
Ready for church!
I know I'm biased, but man they are cute!!
 After church we went to my mom's with some of my sisters and did an Easter egg hunt. I sure am glad the Easter bunny didn't spend money on candy because we had TONS after this!
But all Jonas wanted was to suck on sticks.

We had a nice dinner at my mom and dad's and then came home and put the kids to bed. I do think my kids knew why we were celebrating Easter. But they definitely enjoyed the parts that weren't as important too!

Monday, April 2, 2012

9 Months and More

I can't believe my Jonesy boy is nine months old already! (As of the 22nd). He is growing in some ways and not in others! =) He is a mere 18 lbs. and was measured at 27 and 3/4 inches but I think that measurement was wrong. His head is small as ever but still growing on his curve. Mark doesn't like to see his boy being tiny but I think he was unfortunate enough to get Mark's thin genes. Good for Saydi, not for Jonas. ;) I'm sure he will bulk up eventually but for now I am enjoying my tiny boy because he still feels like a baby when I cuddle him. Sort of!
He is pulling himself up on everything and cruising around the furniture a little bit. He has finally barely started to say "ma" but only when he is sad and crawling around to find me. He gives five and has decided he is done with giving kisses but that was fun while it lasted. Jonas is a mama's boy for sure. He loves to watch Weston and Saydi playing and I am anxious for warmer weather so Jonas can go outside and start exploring.
He was absolutely enthralled with the bubbles daddy was playing with the other day. Squealing in delight!

A sure sign of a good nap: rosy cheeks and messy hair.

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with his favorite people in the world.
Daddy snuck a cookie to Jonas the other day. Talk about a mess.
I guess we hurt his feelings by laughing at his messiness. =)
Overall he is doing great and growing at the perfect rate for me. Fast enough that I don't go crazy with the baby stage and slow enough that I can enjoy it. He is a happy boy but pretty much only if his mama or dada is around. We love him so much and I honestly don't remember what it was like to not have him around!

I am a proud mama and have to include this from Weston too. He drew this picture of an angry bird. I was quite impressed! This morning he also put together a 60 piece puzzle without any help at all. He is getting so big and I hope Jonas will be like his big brother!