He is pulling himself up on everything and cruising around the furniture a little bit. He has finally barely started to say "ma" but only when he is sad and crawling around to find me. He gives five and has decided he is done with giving kisses but that was fun while it lasted. Jonas is a mama's boy for sure. He loves to watch Weston and Saydi playing and I am anxious for warmer weather so Jonas can go outside and start exploring.
He was absolutely enthralled with the bubbles daddy was playing with the other day. Squealing in delight!
A sure sign of a good nap: rosy cheeks and messy hair.
Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with his favorite people in the world.
Daddy snuck a cookie to Jonas the other day. Talk about a mess.
I guess we hurt his feelings by laughing at his messiness. =)
Overall he is doing great and growing at the perfect rate for me. Fast enough that I don't go crazy with the baby stage and slow enough that I can enjoy it. He is a happy boy but pretty much only if his mama or dada is around. We love him so much and I honestly don't remember what it was like to not have him around!I am a proud mama and have to include this from Weston too. He drew this picture of an angry bird. I was quite impressed! This morning he also put together a 60 piece puzzle without any help at all. He is getting so big and I hope Jonas will be like his big brother!
Such cute pictures! The one with him eating the cookie and crying made me laugh so hard. He is growing so fast!
So Cute! Love the upset pic with his cookie! He is sure cute! What a great family you have. Love how much your kids love each other!
oh my goodness, he is so cute! :)
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