Friday, September 14, 2012

First Day of Preschool

I can not believe my babies are growing up so fast. Wednesday was Saydi's first day of preschool and Weston's first day of his second year of preschool. I said I would never put my kids in preschool and now here they are doing two years of it. =/ We love their teacher and it is so convenient only walking two houses down the block.

 This is probably my favorite picture. Mostly because Weston was talking to Saydi about where they were going and showing her where their school is.
And lest you think that capturing these pictures took a moment of my time - the outtakes:
Really Saydi? Really?
Again, Saydi? Really?
Anywho I just love these big kiddos and seeing them have their own experiences. Even if it does make me a little sad! They loved their first day and I was so proud of Weston and how well he retained everything he learned last year. He wrote his name almost perfectly and hardly colored out of the lines at all. Saydi had no problems leaving me at all and at the end of the day said that school was her favorite thing she did.

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