Friday, September 14, 2012

Labor Day

We went to Ross Park for Labor Day with all of Mark's family. It was a great time and the last thing to be crossed off of our summer bucket list.

 Doing what big brothers do...splashing Saydi. =)
 After Ross Park we went back to Grammy's for food and cards. The kids all took a bath and I love these next two pictures because they perfectly capture Saydi's free spirit. Three kids looking (two of them under two) and Saydi is totally in her own world, oblivious to what is going on around her.
 Yep. That's Saydi. (Side note: poor Baby J fell and hit his chin on a brick wall at Ross, hence the nasty scrape.)
 These cousins love each other!
It was a fun day. The next day, after church, we went back down to Blackfoot and had more food and cards at Jakob's house. It is always good to see family!

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