Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh how true it is

This is about how I'm starting to feel. I'm not complaining because this pregnancy has been great! But I'm definitely anxious for these nine weeks to go quickly!


Taunya Spaulding said...

that's funny! sorry i can't really relate-but maybe someday soon!!! What's 9 more weeks? You've been pregnant for 9 months! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :)

Andrew and Steph said...

Jen you're one of the cutest pregnant women ever! Keep chuggin! P.S. thanks for the nice, encouraging thoughts that you said on my blog. It's nice to know that people relate and are thinking of you. You're awesome!

Heidi said...

I SO understand! I'm not as far along as you of course, but I feel that way already, so I'm right there with you! Hooray for only 9 more weeks!

Daina said...

Oh my gosh! That is so true! Your family pics are adorable!