Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas and Such

Okay this is going to be long. But I swear I must have the cutest kids in the world because I seem to be getting some seriously cute moments caught on camera lately. I'm not biased at all. Sorry for the different sized pictures. I didn't realize I had it on large so some are huge and some are not. =)

We had a great Christmas. Now that we're back in Idaho we really do have 12 days of Christmas it seems! Since we have three families between the two of us we spend a day here, there, and everywhere. We went to Mark's dad's the weekend before Christmas and that was lots of fun. Then Christmas Eve was at my parents house. Here are all the grandkids in their jammies. My parents always let us open one present on Christmas Eve and somehow it always happened to be pajamas! (I think I was about 10 or 11 when I finally figured that one out. Ha!) Anyway, now they do the same thing with the grandkids.
I helped my mom make my dad a quilt this year. I guess I should say she helped me. =) She did a lot of the cutting and helped me tie it (or attempted to) but even better were the perks like a new blow dryer and a box of diapers to show her appreciation for me doing all the sewing! Anyway, my dad had to take medical retirement recently after too many years to count working on busses for ISU. So we used his work shirts and pants to help make this quilt. I think he liked it but he's kind of hard to read. Ha! At least now his 16 pairs of pants aren't going to waste!
We did a little nativity at Mark's mom's. Saydi was baby Jesus and we tried to get Weston to be Joseph but as you can see - he didn't like it very much!

Here's a picture of Saydi and her favorite thing about Christmas. She seriously chewed on a plastic wrapper (with very close supervision, I promise) for 20 minutes on Christmas morning.
This was our Christmas morning. I got this bike from the lady that I visit teach with. And wouldn't you know it - it was the only thing Weston played with all morning. That and some balls that Mark got for his stocking at the dollar store. So we could have seriously spent $1 on Weston and he would have been satisfied. That's what we get right?
We had a super Christmas morning. Mark got me some great gifts and we enjoyed having a lazy day at home in our pj's all day. Something we haven't been able to do for a long, long time.

I took these pictures this morning and had to put them up. I love how much my kids love each other. Weston loves to hold Saydi and always asks where she is when she's napping. She likes to sit with him too but not nearly as long as he would like! And I really did try to get Saydi's fist out of her mouth but nowadays that is where it always is. If she doesn't have something else to put in there she shoves her whole fist in. Literally.
So now the holidays are over and we have to get back to every day life. I have enjoyed the hustle and bustle this year and am sad to see the season go but am grateful for all I have and for the chance to get to clean house, take naps, or maybe even read again!


Brett and Cherice said...

I am glad you guys had a great Christmas, I am so sad to see it go as well:( Your kids are adorable! Saydi is getting so big, I love her eyes:)

Stewart Family said...

Hi Jen! I'm so glad that you said hello! I have also been thinking about you since that day... I kept thinking that you lived in California still and was happy to see you... I felt lucky! Anyway, your kids are adorable! I'm so glad you are in town. We definitely need to hang out some time!

The Christensens said...

Oh Christmas is so fun....and you do have adorable kids!!!

Taunya Spaulding said...

i'm glad you all had a fun christmas! your kids are getting so big! and i love saydi's BIG eyes!!