Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Westons Dictionary 2010 Edition

Coffee Table - a race track to drive cars on as fast as my little hands can go, leaving permanent car tracks in the finish on the table. Also a good place to dump out snacks, sit on, and generally destroy.

Fork - an item to comb through hair, only after having dipped in something sticky or slimy or generally yucky.

Light - pronounced "har" because mommy told me the lamp on her bed was "hot" so I wouldn't touch, thus all lights are "har". A switch to be flipped on and off as often as possible throughout the day. When mommy is busy turn it off; when baby sister is sleeping turn it on.

Mine - any object that is in my hands at any given moment. Particularly things that are dangerous or harmful that mommy takes away from me.

Saydi - see "teddy bear"

Teddy Bear - my very own baby. To be carried around by the arm or some other haphazard way. Sits with me and plays with me. To be taken good care of but when you get bored with it be sure to shove it away or throw it off your lap with as much force as possible.

Vacuum extension hose - a sword to swing around in close proximity to baby sister. Also works well as a golf club.


Taunya Spaulding said...

ha ha! those are funny! :) boys will be boys, i guess! :)

Kimber Bowen said...

That is too cute. He definetely is a boy. I was just wiping down my coffee table and was thinking how incredibly scratched it was from cars. What a cutie Weston is.

Peterson Family said...

Love it! My boys were just playing with the vacuum extension today as a sword! Gotta love boys!!!

Stewart Family said...

What a sweet little boy! How cute! Love the definitions! ha ha! It was SO good to see you the other day! :)

alisekelley said...

I love this post! You are such a great mom!