Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend

This weekend was so crazy for us that it seems like it was more then just two days long! We went to Mark's dad's Saturday afternoon for the annual dinner and Easter egg hunt. Sid put together something like 100 eggs or more for the little kids and this year some of the older grandkids hid them. They send them out to find a certain amount and then after they come in and empty their eggs into sacks it's a free for all and they all just take what they get. At that point, I really wanted to call the Easter bunny and cancel the visit to our house! Weston had so much fun and sent more then one egg-full of jelly beans flying in his haste to find what was in his "ball".

After we got home I spent Saturday night getting the house ready for Easter and Conference. Mark took our oldest nephew, Tyrel, with him to the Priesthood session since Jakob had to fix their hot water heater so that the boys could have warm showers that night. Ty didn't have any church clothes but Mark had an old pair of pants from his Marine Corps uniform that Ty actually fit into! It was both disgusting to me that Mark was that tiny at the age of 20 AND that Ty could fit into those at the age of 12!!
So Easter morning came and the kids awoke to far too much candy (the Easter bunny forgot that they are only 2 and 9 months old =) ).
Weston was still pretty sleepy but he certainly enjoyed seeing all the treats he got. Saydi didn't really care about anything until I took her little toy off one of her treats and then she was a happy camper! Ty spent the night with us and I loved to see my kids playing with him that morning. Although, I was more then a little sad to think how not so long ago this beast of a boy was my own kids' age. And I remember it well!
Every year for Conference we get together with Mark's mom and siblings and it's so much fun. Although, apparently this is how Conference is "watched". =)
After we have lunch and try to watch Conference on full bellies a little bit of nodding off is practically unavoidable. I guess I can thank my kids for keeping me awake during Conference, even if they still distract me from catching everything I should. The boys got to play outside a lot too and Weston was not happy at all when he had to come in and have a nap. I made a pan of jigglers and let the boys each take turns cutting out their own Easter shape with cookie cutters and they really loved that. They also dyed eggs. I attempted to help Weston but he was wanting to dip his whole hand in so mommy just dumped each of his eggs in a color and called it good. =)
After Conference we played cards and ate far too much junk. But it was oh so fun and I love spending time with Mark's family. Conference was great this year but really got me thinking a lot since I felt like a lot of the talks were about tragedy, adversity and death. My dad is having a surgery today that has the potential to change his life for the better but also has some risks and my mom is having complications after her open heart surgery that she has to be seen at the Mayo clinic for. So, I'm trying not to freak myself out too much and just enjoy the spirit that I felt as I listened to the talks while I try to improve my own life. I love this time of year!


Jake and Gretchen said...

Sounds like lots of fun and that you had the same problem we had-too much junk around!! I have this twisted way of thinking that if I hurry and eat it all then it will be gone and I won't eat it anymore...hmmm I think there is something wrong with that! (: I can't believe how big Tyrel is, that is just so crazy that he is that old! Cute kid. (:

Jake and Gretchen said...

Oh yeah! Please tell your parents hi and that I'm thinking about them! I hope everything goes ok. Your mom and dad are so special to me.

Taunya Spaulding said...

hey! that's how we "watch" conference, too! :) sounds like your easter weekend was fun! I didn't do anything this year!! Sorry to hear about your parents-hope all is going well with them and I hope they recover soon! take care and I'll see you in a few weeks! :)

Andrew and Steph said...

If I would have taken pictures of us watching conference it would have been like yours too. How funny! I think it's pretty common unfortunately. I'll be thinking of your parents. I see them more than I do you. It's crazy!