Monday, June 24, 2013

Saydi's 4th Birthday

On the 20th my baby girl turned 4 years old! I can't believe the time is going so fast. She was super excited for her birthday and despite going back and forth for literally months, she finally decided that she wanted to have a Strawberry Shortcake party. So we did! Mark was working days so we went to the library where she enjoyed story time and then later in the day we got sno cones (she had to get strawberry to go with her party) and played outside and tried to just generally have a fun day until daddy got home and we could open presents! Love this girl with all my heart.
 My feeble attempt at making her cupcakes look like strawberries. She loved it so that's all that counts right?
 She had lots of "help" from brothers.

 Showing off her new Dora watch that she has been asking for for months.
 She told Weston he could open this present. Such a good sister.

 Daddy has started calling her Monkey or Precious Monkey so she has taken quite a liking to them. She loved these new jammies and we had to have a picture after baths.
 The next day cousins came over for a little picnic to celebrate both Saydi and Jonas' birthday's. My sisters are so sweet and got them both some great things and they had such a blast playing with their cousins.
The morning after her birthday she was playing with her loot of new things at the table and Jonas picked up her new Barbie and started playing with it. Weston said, "Saydi, Jonas has your Barbie," and Saydi replied, "It's ok, I can share." Melt my heart. She is such a little sweetie.

At four years old Saydi knows her alphabet but tends to forget the middle section when we sing the song. She is great with shapes and colors and is looking forward to starting preschool (again) this fall. She is usually either terribly possessive and particular about things or incredibly generous and eager to share, there is not much of an in between with her and you never know which hat she is going to wear but that's what we love about her! She is a GREAT sister. I think my most favorite thing about her though is that she shows such a love of the gospel at such a young age. She remembers things she is taught in primary and things we talk about during family home evening but more importantly, she applies them in her every day life and I often hear her scolding her brothers when they play saying, "That's not nice to Jesus!" She is truly a special person and I feel privileged every day to be her mama. Love you Saydi Jo!

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