Tuesday, January 6, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

I've been thinking a lot today about how grateful I am for many things, but especially Weston. I am a fairly grateful person in general, but this year I really want to work on having gratitude for all the small things too. So I wanted to list some of my favorite things about Weston that I am so grateful for. 

1. He never cries when he wakes up in the morning. He just lays in his bed and talks to himself while he plays with his feet or his blanket.
2. About 90% of the time when you tell him no he will stop what he is doing or getting into.
3. He eats like a horse. I never have to worry about finding something that he will eat. Some days he has more then I do at meal time!
4. He goes straight to bed at bedtime and sleeps for 12 hours straight, at least.
5. He's perfectly content to play by himself. When Mark or I play with him, that's great too, but he doesn't need us to be happy and entertained.
6. He likes to go new places and be outdoors. I think he's going to have the same adventuresome spirit that his daddy does.
7. He cuddles after every nap and in the morning.
8. He will point at what he wants until you figure it out. Not throwing a fit, just patiently waiting for you to understand what his little heart desires.
9. He likes to put things away. Never where they go, but I suppose that will take more time. It's so fun though to open a drawer and find anything from toys, to shoes, to baby lotion in it.
10. He likes to look at his books and make noises like he is reading. In fact, he doesn't like it nearly as much when I actually do try to read to him.

I love my little boy more then I could ever say. I am thankful every day that Heavenly Father blessed me with such a special little guy.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

This is a wonderful post Jenn, I think we could all stand to be more grateful for the little things in life! And lucky you that you've got such a great little boy!Your next one will probably be nothing like him, haha!