Monday, October 26, 2009

News and Poos

Things have been extremely crazy, and yet extremely boring at the same time around our house lately. We started potty training Weston. I have to give a special thanks to Sandy Pascoe for recommending to me. Her method makes so much sense and already had a lot of things incorporated that I had wanted to do with Weston when it came time for the potty. However, Sandy warned me that you HAVE to do it exactly how the book says. Which I tried. But with a four month old that you're nursing it is hard to catch EVERY accident which is part of the success of this method. So anyway, instead of it being three days it was more like five until Wes started to get the hang of it. So for a WEEK we have been watching him 24/7 to catch every accident. He still isn't really telling us before he has to go but when we say "tell mommy if you have to go potty" then he will remember and run to the bathroom. We're still struggling with going #2 but he's doing SO much better then he was. He's been waking up dry from naps and night time for three days now even though he NEVER woke up dry before he was out of diapers. I never could have done this without Mark's help. I tried to do it on my own during the beginning of last week and it was just too hard with two kids. Mark had a long weekend and he helped me so much and that's when Weston started making progress. I have cleaned up enough pee and poo to last me a lifetime though! I told Mark I don't want to have a baby next time we get ready to potty train. Pregnant, maybe. But not a baby! It's so hard. I have to say though that I HIGHLY recommend using this method for anybody who is considering potty training. It's all about positive reinforcement, love, patience and consistency. No forcing, no discipline, and absolutely no more diapers or pull-ups. And it works! Anyway, we will continue on our journey but I'm just so glad we're down to one accident a day instead of the 20!! that we had on day one (and I only had ten pairs of underwear!).

In other news - Mark started his new job at the Site today! He finally heard from them a couple weeks ago and he's been finishing up all of his testing. Today was day one and we are hoping he is enjoying it. He's doing security which is what he did in the Marine Corps so he's excited to be
back in his field doing things that are familiar to him. And the pay increase is definitely exciting too! We're so thankful that things came through and it couldn't have been at a better time.

Saydi is as cute as ever and continuing to grow, grow, grow. We can never kiss her cheeks enough. She's starting giggling so loud and she frequently gives squeals of delight. She's also discovered her hands and is constantly chewing on them. She's still kind of wobbly but is getting better every day. We feel so lucky to have such good little kids!


Searle said...

Hey girl..Ok to answer your question about the pumkin patch take Ammon rd all the way down to 97th going towards taylor mountain. it will look like you are kinda in the middle of no where but you are going the right way! Turn right on 97th and it will be down the rd a half a mile on your left hand side. It's super fun and your kids will love it! Especially Weston!! Good job on the potty training! I potty trained Linc 3 months ago with the potty train you child in one day book. It worked really well. Don't worry about the pooping takes a little longer for them to figure out. Linc had a hard time for a bout a month with the pooping thing but he's got it mastered now and never has any accidents. Don't you love not having to buy TWO sizes of diapers?! Wonderful.

The Pascoe Family said...

I am so glad it worked out for you. It is a hard couple of days, but so worth it in the long run. I don't know if I told you, but when my kids went pee they got one choc. chip and for poo a Pez. Then they get a prize but not a ton of sugar. Keep doing that for at least a month so they still think it is fun. Good Luck :)

Brett and Cherice said...

Great Job Weston! That is so great Mark started his new job!

gibandshi said...

WOW GOOD JOB!!! I am glad you mentioned this website so I can use it in the future!! Congrats on the new job!

Kimber Bowen said...

I am so impressed that Weston is potty trained. Good Job! I hope Chase gets there soon. That is wonderful. Congrats on the new job I hope Mark likes it too. That is great news. Saydi is adorable she couldn't be cuter.

Tim and Amber said...

That is so awesome that Weston is 'getting' it! I'm going to have to try that method...Jackson can tell us when he goes poop, but not before.(Im just glad he's telling us at all, he is communicating so much better these last few weeks!) Congrats on the new job! Saydi is adorable!

Heidi said...

I'm so glad potty training is going better for you now, i can only imagine trying to have a baby and potty train at the same time! sheesh! Glad it's going well!

Taunya Spaulding said...

good luck with the potty training! i've heard that it's harder to potty train boys than it is girls but what do i know! i've had how many kids???! good luck! saydi does look just as cute as ever and getting so big! that's great that mark started his new job! hopefully he likes it! :)

Peterson Family said...

Oh,I totally agree with you about potty training--it really is no fun at all, but when it's all said and done, it is wonderful and worth every minute of cleaning up the mess. Braden didn't get potty trained until about a month and a half ago--3 1/2 years old--and I was really worried about it, but he is doing so good now. It just clicked for him and I love it! Plus not having to buy diapers for 2 is soooo great!