(Don't pay attention to the messy house and half naked kid) =)
Weston is saying at least one new word every day now. His comprehension still amazes me. It's kind of frustrating to know he understands me but I still can't understand most of what he says! Saydi is talking, smiling and now even giggling (she just barely started doing this). It really is going by fast and those sleepless nights are mostly just a memory now. She puts herself to sleep when I put her in her crib drowsy and she sleeps at least 7-8 hours at a time at night which is so nice. Our lives are pretty boring but yet entertaining! I'm really enjoying being a mom to two. At first it was a little crazy but our lives are getting pretty routine now. Thank goodness for that!
I don't usually talk about Mark much in my blogs but I just have to say how grateful I am for him. The other day I was whining about not wanting to clean the house and he took it upon himself to clean the entire house for me before he went to work while I just played the piano. What a nice guy he is! He works so hard for us and I'm so thankful to have such a great husband that does so much to help me on a daily basis. Love you Baby!
I think my favorite this fussy does is his run. It is so cute and so funny. His upbody barely moves while his little feet shuffle along. You need more videos of that to show him later. :)
oh my goodness, jen! saydi is a little chub! but i love it!! :) i can't believe how big they both are getting. it just seems like yesterday you had her! i can't wait for our dinner tonight with everyone! see ya later!
What adorable kids. I love how interactive and happy Saydi is, she is a doll. Weston is such a fun boy. I can't wait till Chase starts to talk more, it is like pulling teeth right now to get him to talk. They are cute kids. What a sweet husband, but you surely deserve it. Being a mom is tiring.
HA! Cute! Wes is such a lil cutie, seriously I would not mind talking arranged marriage haha! And I love saydi's cheeks!
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