Saydi is such a different baby since going on bottles and we love it! She is happy so much more and is figuring out some seriously funny things to do. Her tongue is still her favorite toy, as this video demonstrates. *Note: My kids stop everything they're doing if I ever turn off the music (I think they wonder what's going on since I always have it on!) so you'll notice it in lots of my videos. Don't want to ruin the moment!
My favorite part of this video is the very end. In case you can't tell Weston says, "that's funny" after which Saydi starts laughing and then we all start in. Love it.
Amy had her baby (Keira Belle) on March 9th and Sarah and I both went down there with our little girls and got pictures of the three of them. Aaron managed to get one of all of them that was good but this was what I got! Three girls in nine months - so fun!
While we were there Saydi figured out that she could blow on Amy's leather couch and make raspberries. She honestly entertained herself for about 10 minutes. She of course didn't do it as good when I turned on the camera but still, it's pretty cute. =)
Her hair now fits into ponytails (I can even do two!) and I love it but unfortunately Saydi hates getting her hair done already! Oh well, she better get used to it! After her nap it usually gets pulled out and she sports this lovely mohawk.
I will seriously not be surprised if Saydi starts crawling tomorrow. She is SO close. It gets frustrating for both of us I think! She sleeps about 12 hours at night and takes a small nap in the morning and at least a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Usually with her brother which is fantastic for me. Weston is her hero already. He makes her giggle all the time. She will lurch and lunge out of my arms to be able to see him at all times. She is starting to want real food. But not just real food, food that she can feed herself. I fear my independence has rubbed off on my children a little early! Her 9 month checkup is Monday so I'll post her stats then. Her cheeks and thighs sure are getting more full though which we love! She loves outside just as much as Weston and also loves the car - which is especially nice since she still is in the rear facing seat. We love our little girl so much and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. Despite her only being with us for nine months so far I really don't remember what we did before her! We love you Precious!
Oh my goodness! Saydi is adorable. I just sat there and laughed at your first video. That is so stinking cute. I love that Saydi and Weston are such good friends. I hope Owen, Ali, and Avery are that way. (:
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