Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things That Make Ya Go "Hmmm"

We've had a recent tragedy in our family that has really had me pondering things. Mark's cousin's wife died in a car accident. I attended the viewing on Mark's behalf since he was working and have been thinking ever since how much my family means to me and that truly, you never know what moment might be your last with them. So, I decided to devote an entire post to each child so that I will always remember the moments we've been having with them recently and how much they mean to me. We are truly so blessed!


Taunya Spaulding said...

sorry to hear about mark's cousins wife. you seriously never know when your time is up. i loved both posts about your kids. so cute!! "cherish the moments" kinda takes on a whole new meaning....

Peterson Family said...

That's so sad. I can't imagine. I loved your posts about your 2 children. They are so cute! I think I might steal your idea because as much as I think I'm good at keeping a journal of my kids, I'm awful! I tell myself that I'll remember everything they do years down the road, but seriously I can't even remember what they were doing a week ago, maybe even a day ago!