Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am QUITE certain that when I dressed Weston this morning his shirt was on the right way. However, he woke up from his nap and I found it like this:
How is this possible? I sincerely don't think Weston has the capability of turning his own shirt around since he can't even take it off or put it on yet. I'm so confused...


Kimber Bowen said...

That is too funny. I really wonder sometimes what they are really doing when they are supposed to be napping.

Miriam said...

bahaha. that is seriously too funny. Don't you love those days when you feel like you really have gone CRAZY?? :)
Jen, you are so pretty that picture with you and saydi is so beautiful. You need to be getting behind the camera more often!

Taunya Spaulding said...

had a lot of late night/early mornings, have ya? :)
can't wait to see you tonight!!

The Stones said...

That's hilarious! His shirt was for sure not that way when you guys were at my house. What a character! He's a magician of some sort.