Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Random Fun

I had a couple pictures from before our trip I wanted to post. So here they are along with a couple new ones.

This is what Mark does when he puts Weston's pajamas on and the pants are long. He hates having to keep pull them up for him so he just takes care of it as soon as he puts them on. =) "Did I do that?"
I am ALWAYS on the other side of the camera so Becky took this picture of me with my cute baby girl.
Becky has her boys for the last week of spud harvest and I've been watching them while she goes to work. We've been having fun but Weston and Saydi have been having the most fun of all. They LOVE their cousins. Saydi and Trevor played underneath the pool today for a good 30 minutes.
And here is my attempt to take a picture of Weston playing underneath his wagon. He loves to look at pictures, but not to be IN them.


The Ericksons said...

That picture of you and Saydi is beyond adorable! Love Westy's impersonation of Urkel. =)

Taunya Spaulding said...

such cute pictures! are you coming to girls night at cherice's??