We had a great Thanksgiving weekend this year. Mark got snowed in out at work Monday night and made it home Wednesday morning. I was so grateful because I was really worried he would miss Thanksgiving. And his birthday! He turned 29 on Wednesday (yes Baby, face it, it's the last year of your 20's). I felt bad that we didn't do a lot of special things for him because he was catching up on his sleep from working the night before and then helping me get ready for Thanksgiving at our house the next day. Oh well, there's always next year right? We did go see the new Harry Potter movie though and that was great!
We had Thanksgiving with my side of the family this year, minus Amy who went to Utah since her brother-in-law got home from his mission and Sarah who went with Lynn's family. It was still great fun and my mom was glad to not have to deal with the clean up at her house this year!
My turkey turned out so good this year and I was so proud! But then as Mark started cutting it we realized I cooked it upside down! In my defense, it was six in the morning and I had been going off very little sleep for the whole week. =) At least it wasn't my first turkey so they couldn't harass me too much since I DO know what I'm doing!
Miss took this picture while Saydi was clinging to my apron as I was making mashed potatoes and we all fell in love with it. Miss kept turning her camera back on to look at it. =)
The kids.
The group.
We played games and had lots of fun together. It was a great (and very filling!) day. The next day Mark stood in line for THREE HOURS at Target to get some deals on black Friday. It cracks me up that my husband who refuses to go in public on Saturdays because there are "too many people" will go and participate in the chaos of black Friday. He says it's totally worth the deals he got so we will see on Christmas morning. After he got a little sleep we headed to Shelley and had lunch with Mark's brothers and mom. His dad stopped by later in the evening so it was great to get to see everyone in one day. Weston and Saydi love playing with their cousins and it was fun to spend time with everyone.
On Saturday we put up our Christmas stuff and we've had one broken bulb but for the most part Weston and Saydi are doing very good at obeying and not touching the tree. Weston is watching the classic Christmas cartoons like Rudolph and Santa non-stop. I've decided Christmas is in December to help combat cabin fever! I hope I can wait until the 25th to break out some new entertainment!
These last pictures have nothing to do with Thanksgiving but I can't resist posting them. I've been doing Saydi's hair curly lately because it stays out of her face so much better and her bows don't fall out as much. She looked so cute on Sunday that I just had to snag a picture! Of course, what's a picture of Saydi without her tongue hanging out?!
Weston and Saydi have been buddies lately. Which is nice for a good chunk of the day but it also gets ugly very often and very quickly. This picture is from happy buddy-time though and you can see how much fun they have together. They're under my coffee table having the time of their lives!

So all in all it has been a great weekend and we are looking forward to the full swing of the holiday season. We're hoping to have a more Christ-centered holiday this year and do something special for a family in need. It definitely is the most wonderful time of the year! At least at our house!