Monday, November 22, 2010

Perfect Timing

Things have been chaotic around my house lately. And not because I'm so busy. Mostly just because I'm overwhelmed so for whatever reason I just do nothing instead of something. I get in little funks like this every now and then where I am lazy and pretty much accomplish nothing new all day. Then for the next couple weeks I'll go on a rampage and be super productive. I'm not sure it's healthy but it is what it is. Well today my sister sent me an email with a link to this blog post and I couldn't resist sharing (because I can't be the only one out there right?)

I feel different about my approach to my house now. And I really do think at the end of the day I can say: I did my best. Even on days where my best was just feeding my kids and making sure they didn't kill each other. My best is enough for my Heavenly Father and it's time it was enough for me too.


The Ericksons said...

I'm so glad you got the same thing from that post that I did. I know some days my "best" is better than others. As long as I'm doing the best I can for today that's what matters! Love you!

The Stones said...

This is just what I needed today. That gives me a new perspective on things. How true it is, too. Thanks for sharing this. Love you!