Thursday, November 4, 2010

Things I Love

I love that Weston climbs in bed with me every morning for ten minutes (even though he does nothing but toss and turn) before having to go potty. I love how he's so independent that he'll repeat things from or his videos, but not from his mama! I LOVE that nine times out of ten he will get the right shoes to go with his outfit without me mentioning one word to him - great fashion sense! I love how Weston has lots of fears - some that he is blatantly open about, and some that he tries very hard to conceal. For example:

He is secretly scared of the vacuum and runs from it if I get too close to him. So to combat this he insists that he turns it on. I think his logic is that this way he knows when it's going to be loud and he feels in charge of determining when I start using it.

Another example: we put in Finding Nemo tonight and before the sucker was even in the DVD player he was saying that he wanted the "scayee whale". I repeatedly asked him if he said he WANTED it, which he said yes. A couple more times he mentioned it. Then I go into the bathroom to blow dry my hair (not realizing the whale part is coming up) and he comes and stands in the hall, barely peeking around the corner to watch the "scayee whale". I told him I'd come sit and watch it with him but I couldn't get him back in there for anything until the whale part was over. So proud he didn't have a melt down in fear though!

Dogs and flies on the other hand...grab your ear plugs.

I love that Saydi is so adaptable. Getting off the bottle, the paci, out of the crib - all of it has been easy as pie because she adjusts so well. I also love that Saydi folds her arms only because she sees everyone else do it. Weston let us fold his arms for him at about 10 months but Saydi wouldn't have it. Now she sees that she's the only one left out and she can't have that! This is also the reason why Saydi avidly sustains people who get new callings in church on Sunday. =) I love that she wears shoes around the house all the time, even if she's only in her diaper. I love the way she always comes and sits in my lap if I sit on the floor - usually with a book in hand. I love that this little girl has a crazy expression for every conversation, mood, story, you name it. She makes funny faces!

And I love things like that let you document the things you think about when you can't sleep at night so that one day your kids will know - yes, I may have been a crazy person today and hollered at you a few times (after asking politely about 50 times) and yes, I may not have fed you your fruits and vegetables the way I should have because I wasn't feeling up to making dinner, and yes, we may have spent too much time in front of the TV; but at the end of the day, I was more grateful then ever to be your mom because I know you still love me in spite of it all. And I LOVE THAT.


The Ericksons said...

Love you and your kids! And I'm going to be watching Saydi the next time someone is getting a new calling - that's hilarious!

Jennifer Carlson Hunter said...

I hope you print these kind of things out and keep them in their baby books.

Andrew and Shandee said...

Hey-I know this is random, but I love how many temples you have been to. That is amazing and one of our goals too. Also I love your cute little family.

The Stones said...

You have the best way of wording things. I love all the things I learned about your kids from reading this! So many adorable things and great things to remember. Love it!