Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm a Fan

I'm a fan of nice people who hold onto people's cameras when they find them in the street. I'm a bigger fan of people who randomly find two postings on craigslist - one for a found camera, one for a lost camera, and match you up to each other just because they're nice. Especially since now I can post these pictures that would have been lost forever.

Although I'm not a big fan of Halloween, I am definitely a huge fan of cuteness and my kids having fun - and Halloween provides both for them, so...sort of a fan.

Call me crazy but since the snow has not quit this morning I've decided I am a big fan of fanter. It's my new season - fall/winter. First I was irritated that the snow came before I had time to get all my leaves raked up. But it will melt anyway and I'll clean it up then. I really do like it! Maybe it's just my bias for snow. I would love snow any time, any where!


Taunya Spaulding said...

OH! I'm so glad someone honest found your camera and gave it back to you! There are still people out there like that! :)
I'm SO not a fan of winter but I am a fan of fall! :)
Cute halloween pictures!

Kimber Bowen said...

I am so glad you found your camera. That is amazing that someone actually sought ought to find the owner. I love the picture of adorable little Saydi.

Andrew and Steph said...

That's awesome you found your camera. It gives us all hope that there are honest people out there. They probably went through a lot of work to find you. So glad you have your pictures again. They're so cute!

The Ericksons said...

Hooray! I'm so glad you got your camera back cuz those are some cute pictures!