Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Day of Preschool

Weston's first day of preschool was yesterday. And he almost missed it! Long story short, there was a typo in the email from his teacher which led me to believe that his first day was on Monday. Luckily, about two hours before school my friend called me to see if I could keep her little girl afterwards and we straightened out my confusion! I feel like the worst mom ever though because I had to send him to his first day without a backpack and that is ALL this little boy has been talking about since he found out about school. My plan was to get one on Friday and have it ready for Monday. Thank goodness Wes is such a sweet boy and didn't mind or cry when I told him we would get it another day. He was so excited that I couldn't snag a decent picture. But his excitement was contagious!
Poor Saydi jumped in there and said, "My turn! I go to school!"
So I took him to school and there were tears. They weren't his. And they weren't mine. (I cried the day before at the open house. =D) They were Saydi's!! Poor baby girl wanted to go to school SO bad! I had to drag her out, literally. When we got home I tried to make it fun for her to be with mama but she would randomly whine that she wanted to go to school or ask me where Weston was. She'll get the hang of it!

Weston had a fabulous day. He made a hat that he was so proud of and started learning how to use scissors better. He ran to me after he got out and gave me the biggest bear hug (in front of all his classmates even!) and it melted my heart. I don't know if it makes me a terrible mom but I'm not sad that he's in school now. Ok, maybe just a little. Mostly though, I'm just so excited for him to see him experiencing new things and having so much fun. This is truly the beginning of his own little life and he will be in school for MANY more years to come so I'm glad he is starting out his learning years with so much enthusiasm!


The Ericksons said...

What do you mean you didn't get a decent picture? I love every single one of those! You can just tell he's sooo excited to go to school. What a big boy!

Brett and Cherice said...

Weston is hilarious! Love the pictures, so glad he is so excited for school. Poor Saydi:( Soon she can go too:)

btw Love the new family pic on Jonas' blessing day! You have a beautiful family! Glad Jonas' day was great:)

The Stones said...

I am officially caught up on your blog! I didn't go leave a comment on each post, but they are each adorable! I'm glad Weston made it to his first day. :) That story cracks me up. You got great pictures! I hope poor Saydi bug has adjusted to the changed. I can't get over the pictures of her hair cut, by the way. And Jonas is so adorable in every picture. I can't get enough of him!! I am going to steal the computer once a week and keep up now!! Loves ya