Jonas turned 3 months old on the 22nd. Sometimes I can hardly believe it's been three months already and other times I feel like I can't believe it's ONLY been three months. =) Here's some things we're learning about our Buster boy:
-He is a people person. He is so smiley and friendly to anyone. My first baby to be this way and I love it! Forget the toys...give him people to watch and he is a happy camper.
-He is easy going when he's with his mama but can be kind of high maintenance with others. Only because his mama knows all his different cries and what he wants to have happen when he cries or fusses a certain way. =)
-He loves his hands. Loves them. He can suck on them so loud it's ridiculous. And adorable. And if you clap his hands together or put his hands above his head he will giggle for you. Every. Time. He sleeps with his hands clasped a lot too.
-He loves the bath. We switched to the big bath and he stays there and kicks until the water gets cold.
-He loves having his bum wiped. It's hilarious how quickly he'll calm down when you change him. He hates being poopy.
-He's gotten used to having someone in his face all the time. If Saydi and Weston aren't mauling him then mommy is smothering him in kisses or daddy is tickling him with his chin. Like it or not, it's his life.
-He weighs about 13 pounds and is outgrowing clothes because he's too tall, not too big.
-He is still figuring out how to sleep good at night. He went six hours in between a feeding for the first time two nights in a row but then last night we were back to being awake every three hours and not going back to sleep very easily after feedings.
-And of course, we have ourselves another blue-eyed baby. Love it. Love him.
Little Jonas is incredibly cute. I can't believe he is already three months old. What a sweetie!
oh! so cute! :) he's getting so big!
Have I ever mentioned how absolutely adorable he is? (Besides yesterday and every other time I see him!) Love that baby Jonas!!!
He is so cute, I can't control myself! You make some beautiful kiddos. That three months went by fast! I can't remember your family before him. Love him so much.
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