Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Show and Tell

The first thing I want to show you is this:
I stole my friend's idea of taking a picture of her kid's school work so she can toss out the unimportant things while still remembering the things he has done at school. Love the idea. And here is Weston's work for the month of September. He is loving school and has already learned so much. Seriously amazing the progress we're seeing so soon.

The second thing I want to show you is this:
Apparently picking up toys is a lot easier (and more fun) if you are in your undies and wearing a backpack. They look like some new generation of superheroes or something.

And the last thing I want to show you is this:
My husband is a prankster with his work pals. Sometimes he gets carried away and the payback can be nasty. What you're looking at is paper shredded to be about the size of a grain of sand. They clean up about as easily as sand too. I won't say what he did to deserve it. I'll just say...he deserved it.


Kimber Bowen said...

I don't know which is funnier, the undies and backpacks or the paper shreds in the car. Either way both hysterical. Glad my hubby doesn't work with your hubby it would be nasty. For Kirt's wedding Nathan and my brother-n-law hid poopy diapers all in there car it took them over a year to find them all... Anyways, I love Weston name picture so cute. I love kids artwork, so much fun!!!

The Stones said...

Ok, this post is great. I love the backpack and undies look. Classic! I had no idea what was all over your car when I first saw it. I never would have guessed what it was! I hope you made Mark clean it up. Too funny.

The Ericksons said...

Weston and Saydi are going to love that picture of them when they are older. Great blackmail photo...not that you would ever do anything like that.