Thursday, October 13, 2011


I don't know about you, but every now and then I scroll through my pictures on my phone and I always have a ton that I think are just too cute to just sit there on my phone. So on the blog they go. Poor quality and all.

Wes loves the computers at the library. The giant headphones crack me up.
This melts my heart. In case you can't tell...they're watching the "propet".
Daddy getting his Buster. Buster getting his daddy.
Mark and Wes went to one of my nephew, Tyrel's, football games. I got this picture from them while they were gone. Love. Love. Love.
Jonas sat in Austin's bumbo chair for a bit when Sean and his family were here visiting. I want one. So does Jonas.
In case you're wondering what else is going on around here there's been lots of sleeplessness, fussiness, and pee every.where. from our second attempt to potty train Saydi. A whole lot of stuff not worth mentioning.

Stuff definitely worth mentioning however includes:

Jonas breaking out the hysterical baby laugh. LOVE.

Weston and Saydi getting impatient with Mark and I taking too long to get to the dinner table so they said the prayer on the food all by themselves. LOVE.

Weston and Saydi playing "bedtime" and having the following conversation:
Saydi: climbs into her bed "Night!"
Weston: "Night Saydi. I love you!" Shuts the door.
Saydi: "Saydi!" (which means Weston - even though she knows his name is Weston and her name is Saydi)
Weston: *sighs and goes in her room "What Saydi? What's wrong?"
Saydi: "I need water."
Weston: "Ok." Gets her a drink. "Now go to bed."
Saydi: "Saydi!"
Weston: "WHAT Saydi?"
Saydi: "I wuv you."
Weston: "I love you too. Now stay in bed."
Spot on. LOVE.


Heidi said...

Awwww! They are just too cute for words... Tings like this make me sooo excited to have my own little pair playing together.. You make my heart warm and fuzzy!

Taunya Spaulding said...

bumbo's are awesome! garrett still uses his!

Tim and Amber said...

that's is just the most adorable thing ever! :)

The Ericksons said...

LOVE the bedtime story about Saydi and "Saydi" - such cute kids!

The Stones said...

That bedtime story is so precious! I love that she still calls Weston "Saydi." Hilarious. And Jonas looks so big in that bumbo! Cute kids.