Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cute Videos

My kids love it when I wash my sheets. Apparently jumping on a bed and being crazy just isn't as fun with bedding on. =) Here they are being 100% silly. And adorable.
Speaking of adorable...Jonas loves his bath time and goes crazy in there! Such a cute guy. He had his 4 month checkup (FOUR MONTHS?!) and here are his stats:
Weight: 14.5 lbs - 24th percentile
Length: 26 inches - 84th percentile (he grew a whopping 3 inches in two months!)


The Stones said...

It looks so weird to see a baby in a bath like that! Although, it looks weirder to see an almost one year old in a baby tub and SHE is the weird one. He does so good! So cute! And your kids on your bed made me "col." They were going ape crap bananas, eh? Hilair!

The Ericksons said...

Sooo cute!!! I love Jonas's washcloth Speedo! And Weston and Saydi are the cutest little buddies. I adore Saydi's laugh!