Summer is wearing me out! I looked at my hands yesterday and realized they told quite an interesting story of how busy we've been the last couple days: a stamp on one hand from my nephew's football game, a stamp on the other hand from going to the fair with my hubby - if for no other reason then to stare at the absolute weirdos, a wrist band from going to Downata, and my favorite, the ever present tissue because my nose is apparently sidelining as a faucet. It's been a weird, fun, and difficult couple of days!
And as a side note - can I just say it is both sickening and heart warming to see your nephew playing football on the same field you cheered alongside? Like, yesterday I was cheering there. I'm pretty sure. But I digress...
So here are some pictures from our recent fun. I didn't take a lot but want to post what I do have. We were actually supposed to be camping in Downata with Mark's family for a few days but Mark had to go in to work today to do some training so we just went yesterday for the day. The kids all loved this little splash area.
I could not for the life of me get Weston to look at the camera but I had to post this because I love how Austin is looking so adoringly at Wes. Austin is the happiest baby on the planet. For real.
Saydi is becoming quite the monkey and loved hanging on this!
I won't even attempt to list who all is in this floaty. There are two layers of humans in there. It was pretty cute.
Some not so favorite moments that still are worth mentioning include losing Weston for a minute and a half. The longest of my life. I had Jonas and Saydi so I was focusing on them and Weston had been in the floaty with Austin. I look up and he's not in it anymore. So of course I search the water first - completely frantic. Nothing. I went running over to the other areas of the park. Nothing. Sean went to check the dressing rooms and sure enough, Weston is standing there going potty. We had a BIG talk about how you have to get mommy or daddy first. I mean, good grief, the kid still asks permission at home when he's outside! But then we go out in public and it's everyone for themselves?! Another not so favorite would be when Mark chucked Weston across the pool into Jakob's arms, and Jakob wasn't ready. Good thing the guy has fast reflexes! And whenever Weston would come up from the water sputtering you know what he was saying? "Again!" Between him and Mark I'm going to have a heart attack before I'm 30! Little daredevils!
We had a great time though and even though everyone is sick today from this cold or allergies or whatever garbage it is, it was super fun. My next post will be Jonas' blessing since that is tomorrow! But in the mean's a picture of a daily occurrence at our house. And yes, Saydi is usually only sporting a diaper. Not sure why she won't keep her clothes on!
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